
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Confessions of a Cereal Mother Blog Tour‏


In this humorous memoir you’ll discover several mind-saving rules, which include:

- Don’t throw your pregnancy test away before the full three minutes is up.

- Unless there is a rush on the grocery store pending a zombie-virus outbreak, never take your kids shopping.

- If your toddler is going to chew on a Band-Aid, hope it’s one found inside the community swimming pools chlorinated pool and not one found in their locker room.

- Never throw up in a cookie sheet.

- Things can always get worse. You could discover your child playing with a used tampon applicator. It’s not a whistle, sweetie.

- And most importantly, the moment one of your children is seriously ill, forget about everything else. You have the greatest honor in the world – being a Mom.

My Review of Confessions of a Cereal Mother:

I don’t think I’ve ever both laughed and cringed my way through an entire book—simultaneously. Seriously. Anyone who’s a “mommy” can so entirely relate to Rachel McClellan’s Confessions of a Cereal Mother. 

McClellan sheds light on the side of motherhood that we all pretend we’re not experiencing, as if it’s somehow shameful to admit that we all have days when we look around us and wonder where in the world all these little people came from. Or that we’re not the perfect mom who rises before her children to make a nice, hot breakfast and send them out into the world well-fed and prepared rather than in a frenzied, chaotic haste. McClellan shows us that we are all completely normal when we feel overwhelmed by life, and that we’re not alone. Then you’ll hit the last chapter (no spoilers, I promise) and your heart will thud with McClellan as you remember exactly why it is that you did become a mommy—and how grateful you are for being one. 

I highly recommend this book to anyone who’s had a child, not matter how old that child now is—whether a baby whose name you can’t remember or an adult who sometimes feels like a complete stranger that resembles a child you once had. You’ll laugh, cry (sometimes absolutely sobbing that finally someone understands), and nod when you recognize yourself in the amazing pages that McClellan has gifted to us.
What others are saying:

"A realistic and humorous take on motherhood. Are you in my house?" --Robin O'Bryant, author of Indie Best-seller, "Ketchup is a Vegetable and Other lies Moms Tell Themselves."

"Delightfully humorous with factual truths about motherhood and womanhood. You’ll immediately be hooked with her fun story-telling and hilarious hooks. A truly fantastic read that will not only lift your motherly spirit, but remind you what motherhood is truly all about… and it’s all worth it." --Karie Elordi, author of the popular blog "The Dating Divas"

Author Bio:

Once upon a time, in a wonderful and carefree world, Rachel McClellan fell asleep in a warm and spacious bed, her long hair in great locks around her, and not a single blemish upon her face. Outside her window, bluebirds sang and the cloudless blue sky was full of promise.

However, when she awoke she discovered gum in her now ratted hair, a tiny, chocolate fingerprint smeared across her forehead, and four very wiggly children crowding her bed. There were no bluebirds singing outside her window (or perhaps she couldn’t hear them anymore), only a tornado, pulsing with thunder and lightening. Her world was in chaos, a raging storm on all fronts.

But what a perfect storm it was…

Find Rachel

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Purchase Confessions of a Cereal Mother

Want to know about Rachel’s young adult books? Go HERE.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Adoption Auction

Through my good friend and fellow author Sherry Gammon I learned about this family who is trying to adopt this cute little guy, Edik. You can read about their family and their journey here.

It's an expensive process to bring him home from his country, so to help witht the costs, the Braithwaite family is hosting an auction on Facebook. They've had many great items donated to auction off, including Sherry's book Souls in Peril and 4 of my books:
It's a great cause, so hop on over to Facebook and see what items they have and place your bid by simply putting the amount you want to bid in the comments section. Click here to find them on Facebook and here for their blog.

Leap Into Books Giveaway Hop

Leap Into Books Giveaway Hop
February 28th to March 7th
Co-hosted by Jinky is Reading
Welcome to the Leap Into Books Giveaway Hop hosted by I Am A Reader Not A Writer and Jinky Is Reading.
I will be giving away to one lucky winner a Hard copy of Rapunzel Untangled (domestic) by me. 
Good Luck Everyone!!

 Rapunzel is not your average teenager. For one thing, she has a serious illness that keeps her inside the mysterious Gothel Mansion. And for another, her hair is 15 feet long. Not to mention that she’s also the key to ultimately saving the world from certain destruction.
But then she meets a boy named Fane, who changes all she has ever known, and she decides to risk everything familiar to find out who she really is.
Filled with romance, adventure, and mystery, Rapunzel Untangled is one story you won’t want to put down. Discover the true meaning of love and friendship in this modern twist to the classic fairytale.
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