
Sunday, June 13, 2010

"Geek Girl" is my first novel. It's actually the second book I've written, but the first I've published. The first book written, tentatively titled "Heart on a Chain" will be my second book published. Confused yet?

I began writing for my oldest daughter, Lindsay. She and I had an idea to write a story about a girl who lives nearby, who is always swinging on her swingset in her backyard. I mean, seriously swinging. Of course, the story was completely our imaginations, and not at all her real story. The result was "Heart on a Chain."

I wrote "Geek Girl" for my second daughter, who was 14 when I began writing it. The original version of this book was a short story, which I submitted to a writing contest, which won Honorable Mention in the Young Adult category. But Jen kept calling to me, begging for her story to be told in full. So I began writing and my daughter, Lexcie, who is my biggest fan wouldn't let me stop. If I went too long between writing chapters, she kept after me until I began again. And before I knew it, I had a novel.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Cindy,

    I am one of the few people blessed and lucky to have read your novel in its original version. I remember getting from you one chapter at the time, comment on it and sent it back to you. Then I asked you for the whole manuscript. I remember the thrill it gave me reading Jen and Trevor's story and how I absolutely fell in love with their story from the first pages. It made me feel so close to them and reminded me of the old sweet memories of high school, first love, friends, and silly things I've done way back then.

    This story will forever be in my heart, and I look forward to get the book once printed.

    I wish you the best of luck and look forward to your next novels!
