
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New GEEK GIRL Cover Contest

My publisher, Sweetwater Books, has given me the top 5 choices for the new cover for Geek Girl. So now I'm leaving it up to you, my friends, cohorts, and readers. Vote using the form below for your favorite! Everyone who votes will be entered in the contest no matter which cover is the final cover chosen. The winner will receive a signed copy of Geek Girl when it is released December 8th.

Contest ends at midnight, Sunday, Sept. 18.

This contest has ended. THANK YOU to everyone who participated!!! As soon as I have the results, including the winner, I will post it here.


  1. How exciting it must be to finally see the cover choices! Must feel like the release is getting close. Congrats on the upcoming release :) Really am loving #1.

  2. Oh goodness Mrs. Cindy.... I love Geek girl and adore my copy and all of the covers are pretty but I must say I liked your original cover the best.... but you know me I am going to buy geek girl when it comes out in hardback because I have it in paper back

  3. This was a fun way to enter a giveaway. Thanks for hosting it.

  4. I am SO SO SO SO excited about this book!!!!!!

  5. I liked #2 best. Secong fav was #1. It must feel good to be able to have a say in the cover art -- so many authors don't.

  6. Thanks for giving us a chance to have a say.


  7. Thanks for the giveaway! Which one is YOUR favourite?

    darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

  8. I think whatever cover wins, it's a good deal. They are all great choices οΊ•


  9. OMG I am reading the one published by Cedar Fort right now..... WEll atleast the ARC copy.... I love Netgalley :)

  10. Thank you, everyone, for your votes! Now that it's over, I can tell you my favorite is #1. I'll post here as soon as I have the results - including the decision of the publisher.

    Courtney - I'm glad you got it. I love NetGalley, too! :o)

  11. I like cover #1 the best.

    aikychien at yahoo dot com
