
Friday, October 21, 2011

Interview with Author Kimberley Patterson

Tell us a little about yourself.

I am a happily married, have an amazing family and love to experience life to the fullest. I love to make people laugh and spend time outdoors.

At what point did you decide you wanted to become a writer, and why:

As a young child I loved to read and had a vivid imagination. I began writing short stories and plays at 10 years old. I remember my cousins and I performing them for our family. At 14, I entered a young playwright contest and won. It was thrilling to see my work be performed in front of an audience and to know that people enjoyed it.

How do you write: outline or seat of your pants, and why?

I’m very much a seat of my pants writer. Often, I will sit down and begin writing without having a plan for my story. I will have to go back and reread and then edit accordingly.

How would you describe Red Rock in 12 words or less? A Baker’s Dozen (13) is allowed. :o)

Red Rock is a story filled with lies, deceit, love and redemption. (Wow, that’s difficult!)

Where did the inspiration for Red Rock come from?

I began writing Red Rock when I was 17, and situations I had experienced definitely influenced the story. I was very involved with horses and the western lifestyle and used those experiences to shape the story, and the characters. 

What do you love most about writing? What do you love most about being an author?

As I stated earlier, I have a very vivid imagination. I love being able to write what my imagination has created and share that with the reader. I remember reading books and being transported into the book, or identifying with the character(s) and love being able to create that for someone else.

Do you have a favorite book or author?

I love Dean R. Koontz and his earlier books for my dark side, and for the softer side Nicolas Sparks.

What are your hobbies outside of writing?

I have been riding horses for over 30 years, I have my own swimsuit line, I am a professional makeup artist, licensed Esthetician and in the process of obtaining my certification to teach yoga.

State a random fact about yourself that could surprise your readers.

I can name all of the States in alphabetical order in less than 30 seconds.

You’re marooned on an island. What three inanimate objects must you have with you for your survival and/or sanity?

Sunscreen (It’s the Esthetician in me), Lara Bars, and a great book.

Anything else you wish to say, or tell us? (Include all the links you want posted including website, FB, Twitter, Goodreads, link to your book on Amazon, or anything else)

Everyone always asks why Red Rock was just recently published if I started it at 17. I love to share this part of the story. Truth is, at the time I began writing the story my computer crashed after completing the third chapter. I thought the story was lost. I had printed it out and given a copy to my grandmother but she misplaced it. Time passed, and I worked on other stories. Then, in 2003 my grandmother passed away. All of her belongings which were stored in boxes went to my mother’s home.  The boxes sat there until November of 2009 when I decided to go visit my mom on her birthday and go through the old memories. In one of the boxes, folded at the very bottom was my initial copy of Red Rock.  Although elated, I didn’t feel the desire to finish it. My mother encouraged me to finish it as she desperately wanted to know how the story would unfold. I finished it in the early spring of 2010 and gave the only copy I had published to my mother. She read it in two days and loved it. A week later, I lost my mother in a tragic house fire. Everything was destroyed. As we sifted through the ashes to find anything we could, I uncovered the burned copy of my book. It was near the area my mother was found, and although badly burned still had the cover with the inscription I had written in it. Needless to say, this book is very special to me.

Where to find Kimberley, and her book:

Official Website


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