
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

'Tis the Season

One of my favorite things about the Christmas season is that for the most part, people are full of good cheer. Of course you're going to run into plenty of Scrooge's, but to me they are eclipsed by the many people who are cheerful, happy, and most of all, giving.

The local food bank gets more donations this time of year than any other, all of the local charities are full with volunteers, and the Angel Tree's are picked clean. Old toys are donated, new toys are donated, coat, hats, gloves, and socks are freely given.

Christmas music is happy music (if you discount the tear-jerking Christmas Shoes song). Santa is jolly, and you can watch countless reruns of Christmas movies. LMN and Lifetime are an endless string of joyfully cheesy Christmas movies. Houses are festively decorated, cookies are baked without guilt. The other day, driving down the street I saw Santa on a motorcycle with Mrs. Santa in the sidecar, happily waving to all they passed in spite of the freezing weather.

Tomorrow I'll post my top Christmas songs and movies. For today, I'm going to send out my wishes that we can all retain the good cheer we have this time is year, and that we will remember to give, not only of things but also of ourselves, all year long. And my wishes for you all to have a very Merry Christmas wherever you are, and that you get to spend the magical day with someone you love.


  1. Merry Christmas Cindy! I hope you have a fabulous one :)

  2. I absolutely love this time of the year. Have all but one present to buy and I'm all set. Say hi to everyone!

  3. Thanks, Alexa, Merry Christmas to you, too! I hope yours is fabulously fantastic. :o)

    Cami - I love this time of year also (obviously) and guess what? I finally have a tree!!! I will say hi to everyone, and am willing to bet they will return the gesture. They were all quite fond of you by the time you left.
