
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Six Winners!

The six winners of the Young Adult Giveaway Hop are:

Cordelia Fitzgerald - Immortal Mine

Kajal Kaushal - Reluctance

TFrances - It's a Love Thing

Sarah Rooney - Heart on a Chain

Kassandra Fuentes - Beautiful Beast

Donna/BLHmistress - Red and the Wolf

Congrats to you all, and thanks to everyone who stopped by and entered. You're all winners in my book, if not of my books. (Haha, so corny!)

If you are listed as a winner and have not received an email from me, please contact me using the email link to the left.


  1. Thanks so much Cindy!
    I can't wait to start another of your amazing books!!

    1. You're welcome, Cordelia. I hope you like it!

      It occurred to me it's too bad you didn't win Reluctance since my heroine is called Dahlia (close to your name).
