
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Celebrating Bloggers

Terri Guiliano Long has a blog called The Art and Craft of Writing Creatively. She had the brilliant idea of running a series of posts called "Celebrating Bloggers" on which she interviews various bloggers. What a fantastic idea! Why didn't I think of that. If you've followed my blog, you know how much love I have for book bloggers.

This week she happened to interview one of my very favorite bloggers, Jeannette Whitus of Walking on Bookshelves. Jeannette has always been fantastically good to me, always willing to read and review my books. She's one of the first bloggers I think of when I'm looking for reviews. She's really great to all of the indie writing community, really.

Imagine my surprise when I read the interview and she mentioned me by name! I was doing a little happy dance - okay, a big happy dance - when I read it. In fact, my dogs were looking at me like I was a little crazy. Luckily, they were the only ones home with me and won't tell anyone.

So, to give myself a little ego-boost-pat-on-the-back, here's what Jeannette said:

Terri: When reviewing, do you often find real gems? What, for you, says a book is a gem?
Jeannette: I try to read at least one book by an Indie author a week. I have some of the best books! Cindy C. Bennett is one of my top five favorite authors. Her characters are so pragmatic and three dimensional. That’s what makes a book a gem to me. If I can relate to the characters and their reactions to what is happening to them is realistic. If a book stays in my thoughts weeks or months after I’ve read it also makes it a treasure to me.


Thanks to Terri Guiliano Long for being smart enough to realize that bloggers deserve their day in the sun. And an especially huge thanks to Jeannette Whitus for her kind and generous comments, and for all of her willingness to help a new, struggling author to get her name out there.

Visit Jeannette's blog and Terri's to see why they're both so great.

Walking on Bookshelves


  1. Smart Blogger. We already knew you were in the top 5!

  2. I LOVE when people aren't stuffy about indie authors! And you're totally awesome so of course she would say that!
