
Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday Five: Great Summer Reads Hop

Welcome to this week’s Friday Five. If you haven’t been here before, this is nothing more than my random rambling about something that interests me, with a list of five, in no particular order. This week’s list is the top five reasons to hop on over to the Great Summer Reads Hop! Hope you enjoy!

1. You can win tons of great prizes! With 20 blogs participating, and everyone giving away at least one prize, and many giving away more than one, your chances of winning are pretty good!

2. There's nothing better than a great summer read. With all of these summer reads being given away FREE, you've got nothing to lose by entering.
3. With all of these bloggers and authors participating, you'll have the chance to visit some blogs you might not have been to before. Who knows what treasures you'll discover?
4. There is no better price than FREE, right? And every one of these blogs are giving away either a book (or two or three) or a gift card for you to chose your own book. Giving Away! Free!!
5. Today is the last day to enter to win! All good things must come to an end, including giveaways. And this particular hop full of giveaways ends today. Just to make things easier, I'm including the linky list that will take you to these wondrous places. (Clicking on the link to this blog takes you to the post with my own giveaway.)


I created the Friday Five graphic from an original image copyrighted by: <a href=''>marincas_andrei / 123RF Stock Photo</a

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the wonderful giveaway
