
Monday, August 26, 2013

Books to Movies Giveaway Hop

This is an awesome giveaway for me, as a lover of both books and movies. Sometimes they get it right when they make a book into a movie (Hunger Games) and sometimes they completely screw it up (Twilight). Then there's the rare occasion when the movie is actually better than the book. That's why for this giveaway I'm giving one lucky winner a copy of one of my favorite movies, which was based on a book, in which I love the movie more than the book. That movie is Stardust, based on the book by Neil Gaiman. If you haven't seen this movie, it's truly amazing.

The transformation of Tristan (Charlie Cox) from average, overeager dude into swoon-worthy heartthrob is so fantastic that I had to look it up and see if it was the same actor playing both parts. Add to that the perfectly devious Septimus (Mark Strong) and the witchiest of witches Lamia (Michelle Pfeifer) and you can't go wrong.

Then they added an unbelievable supporting cast with Humphrey (Henry Cavill - yes, that Henry Cavill who you won't recognize at all), King (Peter O'Toole), fallen star - literally - Yvaine (Claire Danes), Una (Kate Magowen), Young Dunstan (Ben Barnes), Ditchwater Sal (the hilarious Melanie Hill), snotty Victoria (Sienna Miller), Primus (Jason Fleming), and Secundus (played with perfect humor and a smashed face by Rupert Everett). The rest of the brothers, all ghosts, are so great I almost wish they'd had bigger parts. But maybe it was perfect having them in there for the amount of time they were - you know, sometimes less is more. Oh, and how can I forget Billy (Mark Williams). Make sure you watch every move, every twitch, every facial expression and foot movement made during his short screen time.

Also, don't miss the exchange between Captain Shakespeare (played with utter abandon by Robert DeNiro) and Ferdy (the uber-funny Ricky Gervais). I seriously don't know how they got through the scene without cracking up. Fifty takes, maybe?

Romance trumps all in the movie (which makes it one of my faves of all time), plus humor, thrills and chills. I've watched this movie more times than I can count, and now that I'm writing this post, I think I'll go watch it again!

Beneath the video you can sign up to win on Rafflecopter, where you can choose whether you want the book, DVD, or Blu-Ray. Then jump beneath that to find the list of other blogs on the hop for the chance to win more prizes! Good luck, everyone.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hmm... I don't watch a lot of movies, but I did love the Hunger Games. And the trailers for the Divergent movie have me bouncing in my seat like a child doing the potty-dance. :)

    1. I haven't read Divergent yet (I know, right?) but I'm looking forward to the movie. I have the book on my Kindle. Now just to find the time to read.

  2. I am sooo excited that you are giving away Stardust because that is also one of my favorite movies and I would love to read the book!

    1. The book is completely different than the movie. Still really good, but I did like the movie version better.

  3. I would have to say that recently I loved the adaption of the Mortal Instruments City of Bones. I thought that they stayed true to the integrity of the book and that it was excellent.

    1. I haven't seen it yet. I think I'm going Thursday, though. Glad to hear they did a good job.

  4. Love stardust, loved the book LOVE Neil Gaiman...hated the Twilight MOVIES! (check out The Anansi Boys!!) Awesome giveaway!

    1. I had no idea you were a fan of Neil Gaiman - haha!

  5. My favorite book to movie adaptation would be the Harry Potter books/movies :) Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. I liked the HP movies as well. I thought they kept them pretty true to the books.

  6. Walking Dead not a movie would be awesome.

    1. Walking Dead IS awesome! One of my favorite things to watch on TV.

  7. Replies
    1. I saw the movie before I read the book. I honestly liked both as well as the other. Sad, haunting story.

  8. My favorite is Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist and my least favorite is Blood and Chocolate. The movie is nothing like the book. It is a completely different story line. However I do like Blood and Chocolate only because the story (however different from the book) is actually pretty good.

    1. I loved the Blood and Chocolate movie. Saw it first, then read the book. You're right, they're like two different stories. Both good, but different. Haven't read the Nick & Norah's book yet, so can't compare them myself.

  9. I LOVED Stardust, both the movie and the book! Of course, what's not to love about R.D. in drag! Honestly, anything Gaiman writes is fantastic! I have Ocean at the End of the Lane at home, waiting to be read :) And I believe Ocean has been slated for the Big Screen as well :)

    1. Did you know Neil Gaiman was on hand for the filming of Stardust and approved the changes they made to the movie? I find it interesting that he had no qualms about them changing it so much.

  10. I loved Stardust. I loved his transformation and his goodness.

  11. Oh man I LOVE Stardust the movie. Had NO idea it was a book! I would love to get my hands on a copy of this bad boy

  12. Replies
    1. I think that's one that stuck really close to the book. I love it also.

  13. My favorites are the Harry Potter series and more recently, The Great Gatsby. Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. HP was awesome, GG pretty good but let's face it, it's kind of a story about some selfish people who ruin their lives by being that way. I mean, c'mon, Daisy, love a guy for being a good guy, not for the money he has.

  14. My favorite is by far Harry Potter, and my least favorite by practically the same margin, would be Percy Jackson.

    Jennelle J

    1. I far enjoyed the Percy Jackson book over the movie. I didn't care all that much for the movie, but loved the book.

  15. Favorite book to movie adaptions: Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Help, and Hunger Games

    1. Agree with all, especially the LOTR. Loved the movies, didn't care for the books, which is weird because The Hobbit is one of my all-time fave books.

  16. I have Stardust the movie and really enjoyed it (except for the fact that the lead actress has no eyebrows). Lots of fun! It would be great to read the book.

    1. That's funny about her eyebrows! I never noticed, so put it on to see, and couldn't look at anything but her eyebrows.

  17. Replies
    1. Me, too. It's on Netflix now so I watch it probably once a week.

  18. My favorite is Circle of Friends by Maeve Binchy. I love both the book and movie.

    1. I've heard good things about this title but haven't read the book or seen the movie. I'll have to get on that!

  19. I loved the Stardust movie but did not read the book. The Twilight books were made into terrible movies. I loved the Harry Potter books and movies.

  20. My favorite book-to-movie is Harry Potter.

  21. I love the Harry Potter movies. Not only was it great seeing one of my favorites come to life, but I also enjoyed seeing different directors give their take on the book. So much fun to see the slight differences in the way we all approach a work.

    1. I agree. And I like that they kept enough continuity that they didn't feel jarringly different.

  22. My favorite book-to-movie is the Lord of the Rings series.

  23. My favorite book to movie is Fight Club. Both were very entertaining.

    Les Johnson

    1. I saw the movie before reading the book, so I think I read the book a little differently because I knew the twist ending. Really enjoyed both as well.

  24. my least favorite was the golden compass, was disappointed in that, favorites are harry potter lord of the ring, bridget jones, and cold mountain.

    1. I haven't seen or read Golden Compass. Bridget Jones and Cold Mountain I saw but haven't read the books, but I did like both movies.

  25. My favorites are all the Harry Potter movies (The Prisoner of Azkaban is #1) and The Princess Bride. Least favorite is Beuatiful Creatures.

    1. The Princess Bride is one of my all-time faves as well. I didn't ever read Beautiful Creatures so I didn't have any preconceived notions about the movie. I liked the movie. My daughter, who read the book, didn't like it because she said the book was so much better. Now I'm a little afraid of reading the book. :o)

  26. I was disappointed in all the Twilight movies. The books were so much better.

  27. I loved the Harry Potter movies and hated the Twilight movies, especially the last one. Thanks!

    1. I agree with one exception: I felt the last Twilight movie was the best of the bunch. However, I know plenty of people who disagree with me on that.

  28. my favorite book to movie was the hunger games.. and i really liked the stand (book to tv)

    1. Loved Hunger Games, book and movie both. Ditto on The Stand which no one else has mentioned.

  29. My favorite is definitely LOTR! I think Peter Jackson did an amazing job adapting all of that material!

  30. My favorite book-to-movie is definitely Lord of the Rings. I loved the Stardust movie and really need to read the book.

    1. I'd be curious to know your reaction to the Stardust book as a lover of the movie.

  31. My favorite was Gone with the Wind, classic movie and novel.
    Thanks for the hop and giveaway

  32. I loved the book to movie Beautiful Creatures, it was fantastic. Thanks

    1. Oddly I just commented on this particular movie today on FB. I haven't read the book but loved the movie, and because of that will now read the book.

  33. My all-time favorite book made an excellent movie: Stephen King's The Stand. But I think that The Green Mile was a better movie than book ... and that's hard for me to say, 'cause I loved how that story was released in chronicles!

    1. Both great choices. The Green Mile I loved as both, but like you I think I might even have preferred the movie.

  34. Stardust.. so excited that is being offered heard it is wonderful.. thanks for being part of the hop

  35. My favorite is and remains Gone With The WInd - and I loved the movie also.

    1. Since you're the second person to name this classic, guess I'll have to read the book!

  36. My least favorite book-to-movie is probably Ella Enchanted. I loved the book so much, but just... the movie was too different.


    1. Really? I loved the movie, thought it was charming (haha). But I haven't read the book, so maybe if I did I wouldn't like the movie so much...

  37. My favorite is Lord of the Rings.. I honestly don't have a least favorite.

    1. LOTR movies were awesome, but I never was a fan of the books. Weird, huh?

  38. I liked (okay love) the Harry Potter books and movies. I think they did a pretty good job at getting the book through it, however I loved the Twilight books but was not impressed with the movies, in fact I couldn't even finish sitting through the first one.

    1. Like you I thought they did an amazing job on the HP movies, not so good on Twilight, though I do think the last movie was done well and I really like it.

  39. I loved The Spectacular Now! I also think Catching Fire is going to be crazy good :D

  40. Replies
    1. I don't know that one. I'm off to Amazon to look it up!

  41. My favorite book-to-movie is The Bridges of Madison County. My least favorite is Flowers in the Attic.
    Thanks :)

    1. Ugh! Flowers in the Attic. Loved the books (creepy good) thought the movie was cheesy. Good picks.
