
Monday, May 5, 2014

Remodeling: Part I

When life changed last year (read: husband left and moved 300 miles away) it required me selling my dream home I was blessed enough to get to live in for 10 years and get something new. My "something new" turns out to be something that was built in 1975, so it's not really new. It needs a bunch of work, so with help from my daughters and one of my sons, I've been slowly remodeling the thing. My son thought we should film our efforts at remodeling and sell it to HGTV or DIY and call it "Remodeling by People Who Don't Know What the *bleep* They're Doing".

The first room we remodeled was my daughters bedroom. It wasn't a huge remodel, just needed some paint, wallpaper, and drapes.

Gathered supplies and picked a yellow-gold paint.

The room wasn't bad, just a little bland.

Gold on one wall and inside the closets.

Blue and gold wallpaper outside the closets.

Blue and gold wallpaper of three on the walls.

Add curtains Lexcie made with fabric we purchased in LA's fabric district and...




  1. Um . . . Can I hire you to remodel my house? Please? All I did when we moved in was paint my son's room because it was pink. I've been meaning to redo the girls room for- ev-er but can't decide for the life of me what to do with it. And I've spent the past three days starting at my porch/playroom/office trying to figure out how to make that combo work with no success whatsoever. Lol

    You guys did an amazing job!

    1. It's hard to make time to remodel when there's writing to be done, right? Haha. I'll bet on Pinterest you could find all kinds of cool ideas for your girls room and your office. Then it's just a matter of actually doing it...

  2. Looks amazing! Who says you don't know what you're doing.

  3. Awesome work. I should probably put work in all caps, right? You are a multi-talented artist.
