
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A Great Review from The Book Stalker

I seriously love unexpected reviews from bloggers that put a smile on my face. This is one from Kelley at The Book Stalker. She "stalked" Heart on a ChainBelow is her entire review. You can see it on her blog here.

Emotionally charging tear jerker!  Bennett has proficiently taken some of life’s most controversial struggles and intertwined them into the story of a teen’s existence while teaching us about compassion, liberation, endurance and persistence.  Those who have been through abuse, or know a child who has experienced it, can relate to this book and should not go another day without taking the time to read!

I value the true to life reality of this book and would recommend to anyone ready for heart wrenching - as this story will put personal hardships for any reader into perspective.  For those of you who truly believe in first and true love - you will appreciate this novel as well.  This was a book that touched me in a way I did not expect and I cannot wait to read others by Bennett.

About the book: 17-year-old Kate has lived her whole life in abject poverty, with an alcoholic father and drug-addicted mother, who severely abuses Kate. At school, her second-hand clothing marks her as a target. Her refusal to stand up for herself makes her the recipient of her classmates taunts and bullying. That is, until Henry returns.

Henry Jamison moved away six years earlier, just as he and Kate had begun to develop feelings for one another. He returns to find the bright, funny, outgoing girl he had known now timidly hiding in corners, barely speaking to anyone around her, suspicious of even him.

Kate can't figure out what game Henry is playing with her - for surely it is a game. What else would the gorgeous, popular boy from her past want with her?

Kate finally decides to trust Henry's intentions, opening her heart to him. Just when it seems he might be genuine in his friendship, tragedy strikes, threatening everything Kate has worked so hard to gain. Can Henry help her to overcome this new devastation, or will it tear them apart forever?

Pick up a copy today at:

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