
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Utah Book Month: Interview with Kami of Kami's Library Thoughts

1. Tell us a little about yourself.

I'm a geeky girl! I love comics, video games, reading, and other geeky things. I live in Orem, and I like it. It is a good town to live in. I'm married and we have a daughter. She is 4, and I like to call her gnome. We have a dog. He is a poodle/yorkie, and his name is Chewy. I like to spoil my gnome and dog. I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I play the clarinet for the Wasatch Winds. I think that covers it!

2. How long have you been blogging about books? Is this your first blog?

This is my 3rd blog. I had a blog on MSN or something, but it is gone. I also have a personal blog that is private. I've been blogging since The Hunger Games movie came out, so 3 years. 

3. What made you want to start blogging about books in particular?

I've always been an avid reader. I devour books (over 100 a year). My friend invited me to go The Hunger Games movie with a bunch of other bloggers, and I decided to jump on the band wagon. 

4. Do you review indie books as well as traditionally published books? Why or why not?

I usually read traditionally published books. I try to avoid indie anything. I've had some bad experiences with indie games and books. However, if I am familiar with the author, then I'll read their indie book. 

5. A few quick facts about your reading habits:
a. What's your favorite book you've read this year?

This is hard! Let me check Goodreads!

Probably Red Rising and Belle Epoque.

b. Favorite book of all time? 

What? You can't ask me this! I don't know! If you had a gun to my head and forced me to choose, I'd probably pick The Hobbit. It is the book that started it all! My dad and brother read it to me when I was little. Bilbo is my hero! 

c. Favorite genre?

Fantasy, I'm definitely a fantasy girl!
I'll read whatever though.

d. Any genre you won't read?

Erotic crap

e. Have you ever started a book you just can't finish?

Yes, I have a whole unfinished list on Goodreads! I plan on picking some of them up again, but others will NEVER get another chance. Books can't appeal to everyone! 

Find Kami's blog here.


  1. Replies
    1. You're very welcome. Thanks for sharing a little about yourself!

  2. Ha ha! Because I know Kami in real life, I can totally hear her answers in my head and it makes me laugh. I love the questions you asked her.

  3. Lovely interview, Kami and Cindy! I didn't know Kami started blogging because of THE HUNGER GAMES excursion. That's awesome.

    1. I love hearing what it is that makes people start writing/blogging.
