Thursday, May 26, 2016

Cover Reveal: A World Apart

As promised since beginning of this month, Camelia Miron Skiba has a $ 25.00 giveaway going on for anyone stopping by to see the new cover. All you have to do is leave a comment on her blog with what retailer you'd prefer the gift card from. For a limited time A WORLD APART is up for grabs for only 99cents. Hurry up before the sales ends! And now . . . drumroll please!

                                                            Then . . .

AWA-FINAL small cover 1200dpi

 and Now!


Trauma surgeon Lieutenant Cassandra Toma begins her deployment at the Joint-Unit Air Base on the wrong foot. On her first day, she clashes with her new commander. Her rebellious nature and sassiness rival her excellent performance in the operating room. It might be the only reason she’s not reprimanded … or is it?

Major David Hunt is unsure how to handle the brilliant and beautiful Cassandra. As her commander, he can’t consider a relationship. A forbidden passion consumes them with the intensity of an erupting volcano, leaving her heartbroken and him with tarnished honor and pride as an officer. The only way out for David is disappearing into the dangerous war zone in Iraq.

When their paths cross again, Cassandra and David find they have a common goal—to find Cassandra’s brother, Maj. Robert Toma, kidnapped by insurgents while on patrol. To rescue him, they must put aside their resentments and fight their common enemy. And the fire between them is back.

Cassandra wants to give David—and their love—another chance. But she doesn’t know that his mistake, his secret, could cost them both the love they’ve finally found.

Monday, May 23, 2016

My Perfect Mirror

"My Perfect Mirror" is every person's reality check. Armed with the power and truth of God's word, it seeks to light up your life and bring clarity to your mind: so much that you would question everything else. You will be pleased to discover that all things have always been available to you in Christ Jesus.                                                                                                                                                                                
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Rosalyn discovered her love for writing as she wrote her final papers in college many years ago. A mother of four amazing young men and women, she is also a daughter, a cousin, a sister, an aunty, a wife and a friend, among many other diverse multicultural connections and experiences. 

 Every aspect of her life has given her various unique perspectives of the power of God.  She identifies herself primarily by her intimacy with God through Christ Jesus and by His Spirit, something she is very grateful for.  She enjoys writing and speaking about God, and about the beauty of the human life and human connections.  She is a vegan and enjoys trying out new and strange recipes. Loves to watch nature documentaries, game shows and PBS Independent Lens.

Connect with the Author here: 
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 “It’s hard to accept in front of others that we’re anything but wonderful human beings. We respond favorably to flattery, even when we know it’s used for manipulation or any such deception. We’re so needy of affirmation that we’ll take it from anyone. These aren’t necessarily bad traits; I believe these were our God-given connection points to His love and through Him to others, and our minds need to be renewed to reactivate this within us. I think these also speak of our inner yearnings, a strong conviction, or maybe a very faint memory that there’s something better within our reach. 
My Perfect Mirror – Rosalyn Ikpatt (page11) 

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Saturday, May 21, 2016

Want to Win $2000?

~~~~~~ HUGE $2000 Giveaway! ~~~~~~~

Welcome, fans of the Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy genres! This one is just for you! 

And really, it is! 21 best selling authors have come together to provide this EPIC giveaway, and they have devised the perfect plan for vetting winners and making sure these awesome prizes go to true fans of the genre–so if that’s you, don’t worry, we won’t let giveaway bots or cheaters steal your prize!

Our only rules for winning: 1 Entry Per Person (plus the additional entries you get for referring friends) and You Must LOVE Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy!
By entering this giveaway, you will be subscribed to the newsletters of sponsoring authors for opportunities to snag more great deals, giveaways, and freebies, though you can unsubscribe at any time. Find the link to the giveaway at the bottom of the page.

Join the facebook event here:

Not only will one grand prize winner snag a $2000 Gift Card, there are also a TON of fabulous runner up prizes (6 print books and 9 ebooks)!!
  • The Beast by J.R. Ward (any format)
  • Feverborn by Karen Marie Moning (any format)
  • Moon Called by Patricia Briggs (ebook or paperback)
  • Charlaine Harris, Dead until Dark (ebook or paperback)
  • Angels’ Blood by Nalini Singh (ebook)
  • Cold Burn of Magic by Jennifer Estep (ebook or paperback)
  • Signed Copy of The Blackburne Legacy by Apryl Baker
  • Magick After Midnight Boxed Set (ebook)
  • Wolf Rampant Boxed Set (ebook)
  • Mythean Arcana Boxed Set (ebook)
  • Cursed by Lucy Leroux (ebook)
  • Flower of Hell by Noree Cosper (ebook)
  • Darkness Rising by Lisa Carlisle (ebook)
  • Blood Warrior by H.D. Gordon (ebook)
  • Winner’s Choice on any top 10 PR/UF book on Amazon at the time of the drawing
Good luck, and don’t forget to share this giveaway with your Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy loving friends for extra entries to win!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Cover Reveal

Let's get to know the Author before we take a look inside this book.

Cas lives in the lovely county of Hampshire, southern UK, where she was born. On leaving school she trained for two years before qualifying as horse-riding instructor. During this time she also learned to carriage-drive. She spent thirteen years in the British Civil Service before moving to Rome, Italy, where she and her husband, Dave, lived for three years. They enjoy returning whenever they can. Cas supports many animal charities and owns two rescue dogs. She has a large collection of cacti and loves gardening. She is also a folk singer/songwriter and is currently writing and recording nine folk-style songs to accompany each of her fantasy books. You can listen to and download all the songs from her website:
See the video of her performing live at the King’s Envoy book launch here:
Find out more at her website:

Connect with the Author here: 

A city besieged by evil…
Secure in his stolen stronghold, Baron Reen continues to sow chaos in Albia’s capital. Nowhere is safe from his malice and the King’s Guard is powerless to stop him. Crucial pieces of his plan are falling into place and soon his vengeance will be complete. All he lacks is the final game piece that will force his archenemy to her knees before him.
Sullyan works frantically to solve the mystery of Reen’s newfound powers. She knows she is getting closer to the truth, but will she be too late to save the scarecrow’s captives?

First lets take a look inside the book
Elias stretched his legs to the fire, captured his vassal’s attention, and leaped in with no warning. “So, Lerric, what did you make of the news about the traitor, Reen? I take it you heard what he did?”
Lerric stiffened. His face turned pasty and the goblet trembled in his hand. “What … what he did?” His gaze fixed on the King’s face. “I … don’t understand.”
Elias snorted. “Oh, come, man! Did you not hear the news? Surely you heard he escaped imprisonment?”
Lerric’s demeanor turned desperate and his gaze flicked between his three guests. “Escaped? I … hadn’t heard that.”
Robin, watching Lerric closely, pondered the man’s conflicting emanations. Uppermost was a fear that was almost terror. Lerric would naturally feel fear at the news the traitor who so nearly succeeded in killing the High King, and who had come originally from his own court, had escaped. Yet deep within the complex swirl of emotions Robin also sensed a strange surge of hope, almost as if Lerric wanted them to discover something. He frowned and concentrated harder. There was something odd here.

And now for the Cover

To see more fantastic content join the tour for this amazing book by clicking on the link below!

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Sunday, May 15, 2016

New Release: The Making of a Man

The Earl of Dentin returns. Eight stories ranging from short story to novelette in length give us greater understanding into why Dentin is the complex and enigmatic man he is. It also includes new adventures that happen between Honor and the next Rhynan novel. 

Passing the Mantle – An ill-fated hunting trip 
Forging Friendships – Recruiting able-bodied men ineligible for knighthood 
The Sword of Korma Monroe – A sword made for trouble 
Turning Point – A duke and an earl plot treason 
The Bittersweet Pear – A marital misunderstanding 
Isbeth’s Redemption – Dentin doesn’t make a good first impression 
A Squire’s Love – Reginald’s quest 
Restoration – A trip to Braulyn produces unexpected company 

Rachel Rossano specializes in clean romantic fiction set in historical-feeling fantasy worlds. She also dabbles in straightforward historical romance and not-so-strict speculative fiction. 

A happily married mother of three small children, she divides her time between mothering, teaching, and writing. She endeavors to enchant, thrill, entertain, and amuse through her work. A constant student, she seeks to improve her skills and loves to hear from readers.

Connect with the Author here: 

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Lord Dentin
“Cursed rain!” Blair’s normally blotchy face deepened to almost purple as he screamed his anger at the sky. 
A bolt of lightning washed the dark afternoon sky blinding white. Thunder answered, drowning out Blair’s tirade. Another flash blinded us again. Water poured over our heads in great waves, miring the heavy wagon all the deeper in mud.
I turned my mount, prepared to redirect the men’s focus to wrestling the back wheels of the vehicle free, but their superior officer spoke first.
“Cease your bawling, soldier.” Major Dyrease’s cool tones cut through Blair’s bluster. “Save your breath and put that anger to the task.”
“I don’t see mud in your boots, sir.” The challenge in Blair’s words interrupted the other men’s murmurings. Attention shifted between soldier and officer and back. The wet plops of raindrops striking wet leather filled the tense silence.
The major dismounted. The mud swallowed his legs to the knee with a squelch. He tested the resistance and then slogged through the muck to the back of the wagon. Setting his shoulder to the waterlogged wood, he prepared to push.  
“Ready back here.”
The men resumed their places around him. Blair sullenly returned to set his grip on the wagon side. 
“On three.” Dyrease’s voice carried despite the rain.
“One.” The men tensed their muscles. 
“Two.” They breathed deep. 
“Three.” The air filled with a chorus of guttural sounds. Hardly music by the loosest definition, but the groan and creak of protest from the wagon’s axels as the heavy vehicle lumbered forward elicited a cheer from the onlookers.
“Keep those oxen moving.” The major’s voice cut off the celebration. “It isn’t free yet, men. See the task through.”
A few less strenuous heaves and the wagon found purchase on the ever-worsening road and resumed its tortoise pace. The men scattered to reclaim their discarded gear.

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

Friday, May 13, 2016

A Fire That Heals

"A Lost Faith Is Never Too Far Gone"

Serena is devastated when her lifelong friend, Aminadab, is banned from Zarahemla for abandoning his faith and persecuting the saints. To add to her despair, she loses the rare ruby her father entrusted to her and she feels all is lost.
Unbeknownst to her, Aminadab finds the ruby, and takes it as his only reminder of Serena. As an outcast, Aminadab and his company of dissenters seek refuge among the Lamanites, who happen to be the very people who killed his parents. Not only is his anxiety high for being surrounded by these bloodthirsty people, but he quickly discovers he’s in the middle of a Gadianton plot to start a war between the Nephites and Lamanites.
Selling the ruby soon becomes the only option Aminadab has at escaping the volatile life he finds himself in. However, this act might forever banish him from ever being in Serena’s graces again. 

In D Vansen’s Book of Mormon adventure, Aminadab must choose which side he’s on in a reflective journey of self-discovery, while Serena must stay faithful and hold onto the hope that a lost faith is never too far gone.

D Vansen lives in Northern Utah with her family. After serving a LDS mission, she developed a love for the Book
of Mormon and its eternal truths. She claims that if you ever want the scriptures and its characters to come to life, 
plot a novel from them. She loves all things artistic, unless it involves combining food ingredients. Thank heavens
she has children that will help with that specific talent.

Connect with the Author here: 

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