Tuesday, February 24, 2015

New Release

Creative Prose Publishing is proud to announce the release of The Gift of Lies, the YA debut of author Norma T. Rudolph.

The locals call the place Jake’s Hell after Summer McCalister’s crazy uncle Jake who claims to have seen impossible things there. It’s a badlands of rugged rock cliffs and sharp pinnacles that no sane person would attempt to enter.
The Atomalians call it Daneye, a secret alien city of unequaled beauty, masked behind illusion. Atomalians believe that natives of Earth must never know about them and their powers of the mind or it will destroy the Atomalians’ peaceful lives.
When Summer is drawn out of bed and pulled to Jake’s Hell by an urge she can’t control, she fears she’s crazier than her uncle. But when the young Ahtomalian, Bentri, steps out of thin air, she knows she’s either crazy—or dead. Taking her to his unbelievably beautiful city doesn’t erase the fact that he’s keeping her hostage in a room with no door and no way out.
Bentri’s world is suddenly and completely devastated by the appearance of the native Earth girl. If she’s discovered within the city, law decrees she be destroyed. As Bentri is bonded with her, that means he would also die. Their only chance might be to escape—but can Bentri survive in her world?

My Thoughts: I have to tell you that I really love this book. Yes, it's pubbed by CPP which I co-own, but we wouldn't have chosen it if it wasn't awesome. This is a great debut novel, and I can't wait to see what happens with Summer and Bentri next!

Get your copy of this amazing novel today at these retailers:

Amazon     Barnes & Noble     iBooks     
Kobo     Scrib'd     Inktera

Norma T. Rudolph was born and raised in the wilds of Wyoming where she spent far too much time alone as a child making up silly daydreams in her head.

She served a mission for her church, got a degree from Brigham Young University in fine arts, married a sculptor and then realized that two artists of that variety in one family were too many, so she turned her art into words. Finally, she learned that the cure for living in her head was to put those crazy things onto paper.

She still lives in the prettiest part of Wyoming, has three beautiful daughters, and the amazing sculptor husband, who works hard and lets her stay home to tell her stories.

Monday, February 23, 2015

The Crystal Keeper

Crystal Keeper 1 to 3
The Crystal Keeper by Laurisa White Reyes
Fourteen years before The Rock of Ivanore… Jayson lives among the shadows of Hestoria, his sole purpose for staying alive – to protect his half of the Seer’s crystal. Exiled from his homeland for loving the king’s daughter, Ivanore, Jayson is now pursued by two opposing factions: the Vatéz (League of Magicians) who intend to use the crystal for their own selfish gain, and the Guilde, the ancient guardians of the crystal. Meanwhile, Ivanore flees from her father to Hestoria in search of Jayson. As the Seer, she is plagued with visions of him being tortured and is determined to rescue him. When the Vatéz capture her, however, she unwittingly jeopardizes everything Jayson has vowed to protect. He must now make a terrible choice: Should he save Ivanore or save the crystal? The Crystal Keeper trilogy is available in print or digital formats.

Crystal Keeper 1-3

Grab your FREE copy of Exile Now!

  Excerpt   Ivanore hunched over the parchment, the tip of her quill flicking above her hand like a trapped bird desperate to escape. The tallow candle cast a cramped circle of light across the table, hardly enough to see by. If only the night would last a little longer. Perhaps then she would have enough time to write everything she needed to. But alas, time was one thing she had too little of—that and light. An older man with long, gray-streaked hair and piercing gray eyes waited beside her. The stone bungalow, their most recent of many hiding places, boasted the barest of furnishings: the table, stool, cot—and a plain wooden chest, its key held tightly in Zyll’s fist. A sudden thump sounded at the door, startling them both. A strand of Ivanore’s hair, gold as the candlelight, fell across the page. She quickly tucked it back into place and wrote faster. Zyll laid a hand on Ivanore’s shoulder. “They are here,” he whispered. Ivanore finished the document and handed it to Zyll unbound. Turning to the chest, he carefully laid the pages inside. “Wait,” said Ivanore. “Will you keep this as well?” A flat circle of pale green crystal lay in her open palm. “But you will need it. I mustn’t—” “Please,” she insisted, pressing it into his hand. “I can’t risk losing this one.” Zyll reluctantly folded his fingers around the cool stone. “Of course, milady,” he said. Then, adding the crystal to the parchment, he laid a plate of thin wood atop them both, sealing the chest’s false bottom. He closed the lid and locked it. The pounding at the door grew more insistent. Whoever stood outside was using their full weight against it in an effort to break through. “We must hurry,” said Zyll. Ivanore allowed herself a quick glance at the chest, offering the briefest of prayers that the gods would keep it safe until her return. Then, taking her by the arm, Zyll led her through the low archway dividing the bungalow’s front room from the back. A loud crash of splintering wood resounded through the bungalow. Their visitors had finally broken in. “Find her now!” a deep voice bellowed. Grateful for the trousers she now wore instead of her usual cumbersome skirts, Ivanore clambered onto a stool and through a narrow window, lowering herself as quietly as possible to the ground outside. Once Zyll had done the same, they stole away across the rocky field. Though the sky was black as ink, their path was illuminated by the amber glow of volcanic fissures scoring the area for miles around. “There she is!” a man’s voice shouted behind them. The words sent spasms of fear through Ivanore. She glanced behind her and saw three soldiers emerge from the bungalow, wearing the gold and red cross of her father’s crest. They had tracked her even here, to the remotest corner of Imaness. Would Fredric ever let her be? Ivanore stopped running. She looked at Zyll, her trusted guardian and ally these past months since she had fled Dokur, and knew her time with him had come to an end. “You’ll watch over them until I return?” she asked, out of breath. “Keep them safe. Don’t let my father find them.” “You have my vow,” Zyll whispered, his voice tight with emotion. Ivanore’s eyes welled with tears as she pressed her lips against the calloused skin of Zyll’s hand. “Go,” said Zyll. “Go now before it’s too late.” Ivanore released Zyll’s hand and sprinted forward alone. As she ran, she cupped her hands around her mouth and let out a loud, sharp call, much like that of a hawk or an eagle. She risked another glance over her shoulder and watched as Zyll turned to face their pursuers. As the soldiers neared, their swords glinting in the fire glow, Zyll held up his hands. A horizontal bolt of cerulean lightning shot out from his palms, striking the oncoming soldiers. The men recoiled, their bodies instantly singed and bloody. Ivanore ran on. In desperation, she repeated her call, and this time another voice called back. A dark form appeared on the horizon, silhouetted against the light of the volcanic fractures and growing larger as it approached with tremendous speed. As it neared, the creature’s massive feathered wings moved the air around Ivanore in warm, powerful gusts. Ivanore saw clearly its eagle’s head with a beak large enough to break a man in two, paired with the muscular, furred body of a lion. As she ran toward it, the gryphon lowered its head, waiting. Behind her, the soldiers reeled in pain, but they did not forget their duty. One man struggled to his knees, grunting from the effort. Reaching over his shoulder, he slid a short bow and arrow from his pack and swiftly took aim. Ivanore reached the gryphon and in one smooth motion hoisted herself onto its back, twisting her arms deep into the feathers on the creature’s neck. In that same moment, a single arrow found its mark in Ivanore’s shoulder. She cried out before her body slumped forward and her mind went dark. The gryphon took flight then, and in less time than it took to draw another arrow—or a breath—they had vanished into the night.  

Laurisa White Reyes Author PhotoAuthor Laurisa White Reyes After spending more than a decade as a newspaper editorialist, magazine staff writer, and book editor, Laurisa finally started living her dream of being an author. She is the author of three novels for younger readers, the editor-in-chief of Middle Shelf Magazine, and Senior Editor of Skyrocket Press. She lives in Southern California with her husband and five children.

Crystal Keeper Launch Giveaway - Kindle Fire HD 6

Ends 2/28/15

100_Amazon_PaypalBook Blast Giveaway $100 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 3/15/15 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Saturday, February 21, 2015


Amberr Meadows of Happy Geek Media is hosting a giveaway following the blog tour she did for Rachel McClellan's chillingly fabulous book, Unleashed. She's giving away a $50 PayPal Cash card.

Want to read my review of Rachel's book? Click here.

Happy Geek Media

Monday, February 16, 2015

Only 11 Days Left to Enter to Win a Kindle!

The End of Feeling, newly released from Skyscape, is available now! To celebrate, I'm giving away a Kindle Paperwhite. 

Not just any old Kindle, either, but a one of only three Kindles that include a special cover not available anywhere else, featuring the cover of the paperback version of The End of Feeling

And it's preloaded with The End of Feeling

How much more can you ask for? 

Alright, fine, I'll also throw in an audiobook version for a lucky second winner, available as either CD's or an MP3 version.

Enter using the Rafflecopter below. Lots of chances to win. You can enter daily with a Tweet or Facebook share.

Order your own copy of The End of Feeling today!

Eighteen-year-old Benjamin Nefer seems to have it all: great looks, incredible football skills, and smooth moves that have won—and broken—the hearts of countless girls at his high school. But his hellish home life has left him feeling empty inside, unable to experience real feelings. He thinks he’s fine being this way forever…until he meets a beautiful and witty seventeen-year-old girl named Charlotte “Charlie” Austin. She may be new in town, but she’s already been warned about Benjamin’s reputation, so it’s easy for her to shoot down his advances. Like him, she’s happier keeping people at a distance, especially since she, too, has secrets she’s not ready to share with anyone. But as the tentative friendship between the charismatic football captain and the new girl grows, Charlie finds herself feeling closer to Benjamin than she’s ever felt with anyone—and he wonders if he’s really capable of loving after all. Can they drop their guard, or is this so-called romance just another game?

Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Wife Maker

Wife Maker

The Wife Maker by Karey White Charlotte has spent years as the husband maker, sending every guy she dates off to enjoy marital bliss with the next girl he dates. But things have now changed, and she's determined to use her husband-maker abilities one last time--on herself. And she finally knows exactly who she wants. Angus has loved Charlotte since they were teenagers, but he's tired of waiting for her to realize how good they could be. She's broken his heart one too many times, and it's time to move on with his life. Maybe a position halfway across the country will be just what he needs to get over her. But when Charlotte won't let him go without a fight, Angus has to decide if he's willing to let her in again or if she's too late.

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Wife Maker (1)

Karey WhiteAuthor Karey White Karey White grew up in Utah, Idaho, Oregon, and Missouri. She attended Ricks College and Brigham Young University. Her first novel, Gifted, was a Whitney Award Finalist. She loves to travel, read, bake treats, and spend time with family and friends. She and her husband are the parents of four great children. She teaches summer creative writing courses to young people and is currently working on her next book.

50_Amazon_Paypal    $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 3/13/15 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.    

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Authorteers

Four indie authors have teamed up to form a blog!
The four authors--Molli Moran, Marie Landry, Lilly Avalon, and Jessica Sankiewicz--have written and published 14 books altogether ranging from young adult to new adult to women's fiction to romantic erotica. They decided to put their powers of awesome together to form an author blog called The Authorteers!
Meet the Authors:
Molli is a Southern author who doesn't consider her day complete if she hasn't written. She loves coffee and talking fast, things she attributes to being raised by Gilmore Girls. She's a romantic at heart, and brings that to her books, which are usually about quirky characters chasing after their happily ever after. Although content when reading, she can often be found watching and flailing over Doctor Who, cuddling her various pets, or spending time with friends, family, or her girlfriend. Molli loves Oxford commas, country music, Stefan Salvatore, and scarves.
Marie has the best job in the world—one where she gets to make stuff up for a living and shamelessly eavesdrop on everyone around her. She writes happily ever afters while dreaming about the day she’ll have her own epic love story to tell. Most days you can find her writing, reading, fantasizing about traveling the world, listening to U2, watching copious amounts of TV on DVD, or having grand adventures with her nephews and niece.
Lilly Avalon is the author of the RESIST series as well as other erotic romances. She's somewhere in the midst of her twenties and lives mostly in the stories in her head. When she's not enveloped in the worlds she creates, she's out in the real world making stories happen. That or reading other romances. It's a toss-up.
Jessica Sankiewicz is the author of the New Adult novella series, This Night. You can often find her either reading or marathon watching TV on DVD, her favorites being Castle and Veronica Mars. She frequently mismatches her clothes and giggles uncontrollably. She knows almost every Billy Joel song by heart. She collects books and toys, and she has an intense love of cats and lemurs. Jessica decided when she turned 27 that she would remain 27 forever. Currently in the midst of her quarter-life-crisis, she is still takin' names and getting very close to reaching an epiphany.
Hang out with The Authorteers!

The Authorteers created a Facebook group to hang out with everyone. It'll be full of all sorts of things from news on their books to links to giveaways and posts on this blog. That way you can stay up to date and not miss out on anything awesome!

To celebrate this occasion, The Authorteers are hosting an EPIC giveaway! Here's what you can win:
International (20 WINNERS)
FOUR winners receive 4 e-books--1 book of choice from each author EIGHT winners receive 1 e-book of choice from our backlist (from any author) FOUR winners receive 1 swag pack (one from each author, the one you receive will be randomly selected) FOUR winners receive 1 signed postcard (one from each author, the one you receive will be randomly selected)
  • Plush with candy, $15 iTunes gift card, AYTA and OSA swag
  • Angel Island swag (postcards, mini bookmarks, stickers), chocolate, Minnie Mouse memo pad, various stickers
  • Seduced by a Stranger by Lisa Kleypas, candy, book swag (including buttons!)
  • Autumn notebook & bag of chocolates & handmade hemp bracelet & book swag
Giveaway Rules:
1. The only real requirement is to follow The Authorteers blog (via Bloglovin', Feedburner, or another reader of choice). 2. This contest runs from February 9th to 28th. 3. Winners will be selected at 12:01 a.m. on March 1st via Rafflecopter random selection.

US/CAN Only:

Monday, February 9, 2015

A Great New Release From Stephanie Pitman

Creative Prose Publishing is proud to announce the release of the heartbreaking debut novel from Stephanie N. Pitman: Honorable Disgrace.

Angie Adams joins the powerlifting team her junior year, but she has more in mind than just toning up—like getting closer to her crush, football star Cory Jacob, who, as luck would have it, is assigned as her spotting partner. When Angie’s feelings are unexpectedly returned, her life is suddenly filled with the giddy electricity of first love. But why, then, does Angie get a little flutter when her older and very hot boss, Brad, looks at her?

Angie seems to have everything going her way until her world is torn apart by her sister’s betrayal which leads to a brutal rape.  Heartbroken and reeling in the aftermath, Angie has to find an internal strength to rival her record-breaking power lifts if she ever wants to feel worthy of love again.

MY THOUGHTS: While I had something to do with the publication of this book as co-owner of Creative Prose Publishing, I can tell you we wouldn't have published it if we didn't like it. And I really like this novel. Stephanie has taken a difficult subject, rape, and given us an honest, unflinching, heartbreaking version that is still appropriate to be read by teens. Based in part on her own experience with rape, Angie's reaction and emotional aftermath is pure and absolutely disarming in its truth. However, she also shows us that one can heal from this violent assault and learn to not only live with it but also love again. This is a tough subject, but one dealt with excellently by Stephanie. Read an excerpt below.

Buy your copy today at any of these online retailers:

Lorraine gasped, her eyes growing wide, mouth agape in horror. She grabbed my arm, the ugly mottled bruises stark against my pale skin, a myriad of color on a white canvas. “What happened?”
“Noth—” I tried to jerk away, but she held fast.
Don’t you say nothing.” Her teeth were clenched, her eyes smoldered, the intensity of her gaze too strong. Afraid of the emotion, I looked away. “Those bruises aren’t nothing. What happened?”
“It’s nothing!” I yanked my arm away, angry tears seeping out of the corners of my eyes. I fled to the corner of the bed.
I didn’t have to tell her anything, I didn’t owe her anything. She hadn’t cared enough about me last night to see if I was alright, abandoning me for Dave, just like the other night with Hobbs. I wanted to scream at her, ask her why she hadn’t come, why she hadn’t saved me, why she had put me in that situation in the first place.
I could see the question in her eyes, “Angie—”
“Just get out of here.” Quietly, I cut her off.
She stepped toward me and put a hand on my bed. I clamped my mouth closed in an angry line and shook my head. She ignored my warning, her knee pressing down the bed.
“Angie, who did that to you?” Her voice was full of worry.
I clenched my hands so tightly I felt what was left of my jagged nails dig into my palms. Why hadn’t she come back to check on me? Why?
Flying at her, I screamed, “I said get out. Leave me alone.” I shoved her, knocking her through the door, slamming it in her stunned face. I locked it and leaned against it. My knees gave out and I slid to the floor. I stared at my arm, transfixed by the dot to dot of discoloration, remembering the cruel feel of his fingers.
The handle rattled above my head and then Lorraine knocked. “Angie, let me in.” The knob rattled again. And then the door shook against my back when she slammed into it. “Fine.”
Her footsteps retreated. Shortly after, I heard the distant open and close of the front door.
I pulled a blanket off the foot of my bed, draping it around my shoulders, pressing the heels of my hands to my eyes in a vain effort to staunch the flow of tears. I could have told her. I should have told her.

Join the Facebook launch party tomorrow night. Click here to join, and then from wherever you're at you can play the games to win all kinds of fun prizes - including a copy of my own The End of Feeling in audiobook.

Sunday, February 8, 2015


Who doesn't love bacon, right? Okay, maybe vegetarians . . . But seriously, almost everyone else does. It's become especially popular in the past few years after spending centuries as the underappreciated side to eggs. (I blame Jim Gaffigan, personally.)

Christina Dymock, whose written several amazing cookbooks, has come out with The Bacon Lover's Cookbook. I received a review copy, so this is what I think:

There are some fantastic recipes in here. Bacon and egg salad sandwiches. I love egg salad, never thought of adding bacon to it. Inside out egg muffins. Easy and tasty. Chicken bacon salad sandwich, baked beans, honey mustard bacon drumsticks, twice baked potatoes. Yum. There are plenty more, too.

I'm not a fan of bacon mixed with sweet. There's a whole section of sweets using bacon that I can guarantee I'll never try. To me bacon and sweet just do not mix. But that's me. I'm sure there are plenty of people who love it.

The book is well organized, and has a picture for every single recipe which I love. I hate it when I'm trying something new and don't have a photo for reference when it comes to recipes. So while mine might not be as pretty as hers, I still at least have an idea of what it's supposed to look like.

Purchase your copy here.