Saturday, October 29, 2016

Crossing Lines Tour

Just before their B-17 bomber crashes in German-occupied Austria, two of the three remaining crewmen manage to parachute out of the aircraft. Captain Charlie Banks and Corporal Samuel Aldridge find shelter in a barn, where they are discovered by a beautiful young Austrian woman. Despite the danger to herself and her family, Marianne Leichtner decides to help the two Americans. Her courage and character soon win Charlie’s heart.
When the Nazis come to investigate the plane crash, Charlie and Sam must escape through enemy territory. Just steps from freedom, they are captured by Italian fascists. Survival takes on a new meaning for the airmen, and Charlie begins to questions everything, including his faith. Only the hope of seeing Marianne again keeps him going over the long months in prison. But if he survives, will she still care for him? And will Charlie learn to trust in the Lord’s promises?

Melanie Mason is an author, designer, and ight attendant all rolled into one. She graduated from utah State university with a degree in communications. She has told stories all her life and  her passion in sharing the plots that spin through her head. She hopes to be on an airplane one day and see someone reading one of her books. Melanie lives in Portland, oregon—with her two dachshund Chihuahua dogs—where the beauty of the Paci c Northwest feeds her imagination, and the rainy winter evenings encourage her to curl up with hot chocolate and a good book.
Melanie’s rst book, The Line That Divides (2014), is a historical romance set against the stunning backdrop of World War II Austria. Her second book, The Ring of Remaliha (2015), is a romantic suspense novel about an archaeologist who must solve the puzzle of an ancient egyptian ring.
For more information, please visit the author’s website,
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The yoke shook like an earthquake, and Charlie struggled to keep the bomber steady. “Just a little farther, Baby. Just get us across the border. Please.” 

“Fuel’s at ten percent!” Corporal Hinks shouted past the deafening roar of the quadruple-engine aircraft. “We just lost engine three.” 

“We’re almost there!” Charlie called as the plane convulsed and groaned beneath his hands. 

From the copilot seat, Lieutenant Anderson said, “This doesn’t look good, Captain.” 

“Are we across?” 

“If we aren’t, we are close enough to foot it,” answered Technician Jenson, the navigator. 

The plane shuddered again. They had taken too much damage to do more than stumble to the border. Hopefully no enemy aircraft were nearby to mark their location. 

After another loud rumble from the bomber, reality settled on Charlie’s shoulders. He checked the instruments. “Sam, is it safe enough to send a distress call?” 

 “I wouldn’t chance it, Captain,” replied Corporal Aldridge. “We don’t want to send them right to us.” 

“All right, men,” Charlie said. “You know the plan. Meet in Trento if you can. Head south if you can’t.” 

“Yes, sir.” The cries of the remaining six crew members sounded through the damaged aircraft. 
regardless if Charlie could land the plane or not— and it was unlikely—they had to get out. “Bail out!” 

The call rang through the plane, followed by the noise of the men moving to their evacuation points. 

Seconds later, Hinks yelled, “Jenson’s out.”

“I’m gone,” Anderson shouted just before he jumped.

“Go, Hinks,” Charlie ordered.

“I’ll see you in Italy, Captain.” Hinks clipped on his chute and followed the others.
“You ready, Sam?”

“Sure as shootin’, Captain.” Sam’s Texas drawl came over the interphone.

Charlie’s face dripped with sweat despite the frigid temperatures at twenty thousand feet. “What about Peter?”

“I thought he jumped already,” Sam replied.

Panic surged through Charlie. The hit they took over Germany had blown a hole the size of Vermont in the back of the aircraft. Was his brother hurt? unconscious? Dead? Charlie pressed the interphone switch. “Peter, can you hear me? Peter?” 

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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Open-Up! Blog Tour

This book is written for anyone who has a genuine desire to move forward in their lives but, despite numerous attempts, nothing seems to be working and you keep ending up with the same outcomes year after year. You will learn how to recognize habitual patterns of thought that are sabotaging your life on an unconscious level. Everyone has good intentions for their lives and ultimately wants the best outcomes, but oftentimes we get in our own way by allowing self-destructive thought patterns to impede our good intentions—without actually knowing we are doing so. I know this all too well because this was my life for several years.

This book was written because of my own personal experiences in life, and the experiences of my clients that I serve in my practice. This book gets right down to your core by unveiling the good, the bad, and the ugly about the way you think about yourself and everything that is happening in your life. In essence, this book is entirely about YOU! Most of us try to change ourselves at the level of our thoughts, but true transformation happens at the level at which you vibrate. You will learn how to completely shift your vibrational way of thinking and allow better circumstances to come into your life, whatever they may be. Whether you want to get unstuck in a relationship pattern or a financial pattern that keeps coming up, this book serves as a guide that will explore the moments when you get into trouble, and offers tools for learning to stay with your uneasiness, and offers concrete steps to get unstuck so you can finally move forward in life. 

You will learn the O.P.E.N.U.P. steps: Observation, Permission, Experience, Not Identifying, Understanding, and Practice. These steps will serve as your doorway into revealing the very thing that is keeping you stuck. Once you discover those “hidden” truths about yourself, your entire state of being will be altered, and you will no longer resist all the good that life has in store for you.

Tanishia is a renowned Life Coach, counselor, author, speaker, and radio personality, host, and brand ambassador. She is a conscious transformational expert who thrives on enlightening her clients to step boldly outside their comfort zone and into their greatness. She assists her clients in reaching their highest potential and attaining their lifelong dreams and goals through a powerful series of steps she developed called the Open-up Coaching Method. She embarked on a similar journey as the one you are undertaking, assisted by many of today’s well-known self-help gurus. That is what led to her desire to become a Counseling Psychologist and an Open-up Life Coach.

After the birth of her first daughter (who is now a teenager), she immersed herself in yoga and meditation and has dedicated her time and energy to becoming profoundly aware of her own inner growth and awareness while assisting her clients to do the same. She is a powerful & intuitive high performance coach for those who are ready to hold themselves to a more fulfilled purpose in their life & business.

Tanishia studied earth sciences as an undergraduate at UCLA, and while there, she decided to intern with the Semel Neuropsychiatric Institute. Serving as a resource counselor for HIV+ at-risk youth and women, Tanishia knew she found her calling in the field of Psychology. She went on to obtain her Masters of Science degree in Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy. She didn’t want to wait until after she graduated to start working with clients, and she also realized that she enjoys coaching clients outside of the normal therapy that she provides in the clinical setting. She launched the Open-up Coaching programs and began speaking and lecturing about her own personal experiences of opening up and healing. She had A LOT of healing within herself that needed to be done.  Her deep desire for self-realization, healing, peace, and balance within herself drew her to the field of coaching and psychology.

Tanishia is very intentional in her practice when working with her clients and she believes that a lot of the challenges her clients are faced with stem from old childhood beliefs systems and paradigms that are operating in the subconscious mind. She believes that we are no longer victims of the past. Today we can move beyond mere survival, and embrace our ability to thrive!

Tanishia also provides mental health services for clients wanting more of a therapeutic counseling session. She provides counseling services to those in need and works under the supervision of a licensed psychologist while she is attaining her hours for licensure. 

Tanishia is a true environmentalist and she believes that being green is a consciousness, not a trend. She has a deep connection to the earth and all things natural. She sits on the Board of Friends of Geography at UCLA and is also a volunteer with the American Red Cross. 

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Monday, October 17, 2016

Cover Reveal: Kavan

Not only is this a great Cover Reveal today, but in a twist of surprise - the author has decided to release the book today as well!! You can pick it up right now - go grab your copy and leave a comment congratulating the author on her new release!

Paranormal romance author, Kristen Clark-Frost,
lives in New Hampshire with her family.
A die hard metalhead, you’ll find her at her computer,
headphones blasting, while pounding away at the keyboard.
Her cat, who believes he’s trans species
and really a vicious canine, sleeping by her side.

An avid reader with a voracious appetite for the written word,
Kristen made a bold move and changed careers to chase her dream;
creating spectacular new worlds for others to enjoy.

Previously working and advocating for children and adults
with developmental disabilities,
Kristen spent many hours introducing others
to the power and magic of the written word.
When opportunity arose, she dove headfirst into writing full time.

Kavan is the first book in the Drelatta Wolves Series.

Connect with the Author here: 

Ashlyn wasn't looking looking for a man. She had books, her best friend, and a job she loved. Unless she found a man like the ones in her books, she was happy being single. Until she met Kavan.
                Working with his family, Kavan kept the human’s safe from what lurked in the shadows. He wasn't looking for his mate, wasn't ready to settle down. Until he found Ashlyn.
                Can Ashlyn accept Kavan and the life he offers. Can Kavan keep Ashlyn safe from the monsters hunting her?








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Sunday, October 9, 2016

Blog Tour: A Space Between Worlds


About A Space Between Worlds Vol.1: Conception:

Songstress Shanti’s final performance is no different than any other. Gazing into the mirror, the Songstress laments her faceless curse. To hide her unsightliness, she dons a beautiful mask. She knows she doesn’t belong in the darkness. Her desire is to live in a world of eternal light, to be seen for who she truly is.

An enigmatic man who calls himself Avidia beckons Shanti, claiming to know how to conceive the world of light sleeping inside of her, and escape her current world of darkness, Cauraaha. Avidia poses the question that will be the key to her desire, as well as an unresolved pain:

“What is your first memory?”

Reno, a gentle florist, has his own stigma, a translucent coil of thorns wrapped around his arm, draining him of life at the utterance of the word “Promise”. Hidden away in his heart is the knowledge of a past he doesn’t wish to face, one that connects to Shanti, Avidia, and her curse.

A dual narrative of introspection and self-discovery, A Space Between Worlds eloquently questions the truths of life and death, timeless bonds, and regret through lyrical imagination, philosophy, surrealism, and a journey through the unconscious mind.

My Review: This book is unlike any other you'll read. A lot of the time I as I read it I imagined it as anime or could picture it as a graphic novel. Very visual writing and an interesting story about keeping promises and getting a second chance to make right mistakes from past lives, and about how the strength of love can cross the boundaries of reality and time. If you like speculative fiction or fantasy (or anime or graphic novels for that matter) then this is a book you'll enjoy immensely.


Excerpt #1 from A Space Between Worlds Vol.1: Conception:
Flurries of snow crossed over the fan-like leaves of forest’s trees, lightly dusting the tips of their colorful tendrils with white frost. Even without the wind, the flurries continued to move, wrapping themselves around moss covered trunks and licking the faces of imperfect stones. The animals were hush as if they fled into unknown hiding place. An uneasy silence pinched Reno’s ears. Undisturbed by the sudden change in weather, he watched his breath raise into the canopy. Moments wouldn’t pass, it seemed, as the thin white ribbon would arc and linger at the precipice of the canopy before being consumed by the encroaching darkness. Reno continued on the main path, trudging on the blanket of fallen leaves. The path seemed endless, much like the message the woman in white left him echoing in his mind. Unclear, her voice was, like a skipping record. Bits and pieces of her words were shuffling, seeping into the muck of other thoughts. The situation felt unreal to him. The scent of lavender and of blood dawdled in his nostrils.

Excerpt #2 from A Space Between Worlds Vol.1: Conception:
Their voices, even long after they’d spoken, lingered by the shore; nothing was lost and nothing was recovered. The man reached out in front of him where the tides of the sea, black like ink, gravitated to the horizon. The choppy waves never washed ashore, as if they were fleeing, desperately seeking an exit. The land wasn't its home. The same could be said for them. The man and the frail girl sat in mutual silence, each enraptured by what was ahead. On the horizon, the misshapen moon's pale light skipped across the sea but didn’t reach them. The man widened his eyes, hoping to absorb its light. The moon quivered, glaring back at him mockingly.



J.D. Woodson was born Chicago, Illinois in 1992. He grew up in Palos Park, a quiet suburb southwest of Chicago. During his early years, J.D. gained a fondness towards poetry and continued to writing it through primary school and high school, winning small awards for his work. He would attend Columbia College Chicago with intent to major in poetry, however he shifted his focus and major to Fiction Writing due to his love for storytelling. After his sophomore year, he would take a leave of absence to study outside of the workshop method he was taught and gained experience as a ghostwriter which his projects spanned from fiction to non-fiction. To read more about J.D., you can visit him on his website.


Click here or visit Royal James Publishing's Facebook page to enter to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card and a signed copy of A Space Between Worlds Vol.1: Conception by J.D. Woodson.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Monster Mash Blitz Day 6

Tim Hemlin is a graduate of the University of New Hampshire, having studied with poets Charles Simic and Mekeel McBride.  He has published in poetry journals, anthologies, and magazines--most notably in Ellery Queen.  Currently he has six published novels, two short stories and is included in an anthology.

By day he is an educator; however after teaching ELA for 22 years he decided to put his master's degree to work and is now a high school counselor.  In addition, he is an avid marathoner, fly-fisherman, and outdoorsman.  He lives just outside Houston, Texas with his wife Valerie, two dogs and a cantankerous cat.

Q&A With the Author:
If you could travel anywhere, on earth or off, where would you go?

Paris . . . so if I can't go back to the 1920s I'll go there now.

What color would you wear if you had only one choice?

Blue. Think of George Harrison in his denim shirt and blue jeans crossing Abby Road.

Describe your dream writing spot.

A cabin in the country with a bay window looking out over a verdant forest. In fact, one summer I wrote one of my mysteries in the mountains of Colorado in just this setting. Coffee and stories after an early morning trail run sounds like heaven to me. 

Connect with the Author here: 
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Find all of Jim Hemlin's Books Here

If Wishes Were Horses...

" Neil Marshall is a graduate student in the University of Houston’s creative writing program and a promising young poet. However, facing a financially and emotionally draining divorce has him worried about more than paying tuition. So to make ends meet, Neil moonlights as a chef for a high society caterer.  Just when Neil’s life seems bleakest, his oldest friend, racehorse breeder Jason Keys, is murdered. And Neil becomes the prime suspect.  To avenge his friend, clear his name, and rescue a missing championship thoroughbred, Neil infiltrates the dark underworld of horse theft and illegal breeding. Neil’s friends—his attractive writing teacher, his cooking colleagues, and a freckle-faced teenage horsewoman—offer their support. But their cheers quickly turn to gasps when Neil becomes the hunted."

1) Talk about high-flying euphoria turned to grounded fear. The downshift was so sudden I could’ve thrown up. Be cool, Neil. Okay, I wasn’t going to outrun the guy in the Taurus, and I wasn’t going to confront him. Yet. My only other option, then, was to play the shell game and lose the bastard. ~ Neil Marshall

2) Nothing in my twenty-eight years could’ve prepared me for the scream that awaited me inside. Bloodcurdling, the howl lifted every hair on my neck to attention, siphoned ten years off my life, and threatened to claim my first child before I’d even found someone to conceive him with. Fajitas hit the floor, fists shot up, and instinctively I crouched, looking for the source of Satan’s cry. ~ Neil Marshall

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Friday, October 7, 2016

Monster Mash Blitz Day 5

 Dana Provo has always loved books and reads everything from young adult fantasy to adult historical romances. When she’s not reading or writing her next novel, Dana can be found riding her horses and getting ready for competition. Dana lives with her husband and two house plants in Richmond, Virginia.

Q&A With the Author:
4. What is your largest unfulfilled dream, and what are you doing to reach it? 
My largest unfulfilled dream is traveling the world. I've always wanted to visit several countries and I'm saving my pennies to do just that one day.  

5. What is the hardest thing you've ever done? 
The hardest thing I've ever had to do was writing this book. It takes a lot of dedication to finish writing and work to publish a book.   

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Orphaned at an early age, now twenty-four- year-old Camryn Lucks is ready to commit to find that special someone, and so accepts a date from a charming, gallant, handsome stranger. The last thing she imagines after accepting that first date with Carson would actually be the beginning of her worst nightmare.

Red roses, a reminder of her parents' killer, soon become an emblem of horror for Cami as one by one, those closest to her fall victim to a serial killer. Cami becomes an obsession for Carson, the man she had finally allowed herself to love. Not only is he vying for her heart, but also her life.

Finding herself in a whirlwind of torments shadowed by the blood-colored bloom, Cami finds solace in Isaac, a neighboring police officer. She’s desperate to escape the haunting memories, but she must revisit them in order to catch her would-be killer. Living life in constant fear has driven Cami to second-guess every choice she makes. Will the police catch the illusive murderer, or will Cami be forced to face him once again?

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The silky voice of a man on his cell caught my attention. He was tall and debonair in his crisp, black suit with a red tie. I was drawn to him. The slight bend in his nose and his brown hair that reached his shoulders complemented his dark and wild eyes that seemed to hold a heavy secret.
He ended his call and tucked his cell into his pocket then turned to me. "It's quite a sight out here," he said, my ears melting to hear more of his velvety voice.
"Yes, it is. It's beautiful, but cold." I wrapped my arms around myself and hugged my torso.
"Are you waiting for the bus?" he asked. His hands were tucked in his black slacks, keeping warm from the bitter wind.
"I suppose so. To be honest, I don't think they are out tonight."
"Oh," he said, taking a few steps closer.
I felt the heat radiating off his body as he approached. My nose was in heaven as I caught the bold cologne he was wearing. It was just the right mix of musky and sweet. Even though I didn’t know his name, I was attracted to him and that scared me.
"I don’t mean to pry, but do you need a ride to wherever you are headed?" he asked, flashing a smile.
"Oh, um, I was just heading home. It's not too far. I can just walk." I looked up at him, then back at the heavy snowfall and mentally groaned.

"Let me take you home. I have a car. A woman like you shouldn’t be walking home alone at night, especially in this weather."

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