Q&A With the Author:
If you could travel anywhere, on earth or off, where would you go?
. . . so if I can't go back to the 1920s I'll go there now.
What color would you wear if you had only one choice?
Think of George Harrison in his denim shirt and blue jeans crossing Abby Road.
Describe your dream writing spot.
A cabin in the
country with a bay window looking out over a verdant forest. In fact, one
summer I wrote one of my mysteries in the mountains of Colorado in just this
setting. Coffee and stories after an early morning trail run sounds like heaven
to me.
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If Wishes Were Horses...

Talk about high-flying euphoria
turned to grounded fear. The downshift was so sudden I could’ve thrown up. Be
cool, Neil. Okay, I wasn’t going to outrun the guy in the Taurus, and I wasn’t
going to confront him. Yet. My only other option, then, was to play the shell
game and lose the bastard. ~ Neil Marshall
2) Nothing in my twenty-eight years could’ve
prepared me for the scream that awaited me inside. Bloodcurdling, the howl
lifted every hair on my neck to attention, siphoned ten years off my life, and
threatened to claim my first child before I’d even found someone to conceive
him with. Fajitas hit the floor, fists shot up, and instinctively I crouched,
looking for the source of Satan’s cry. ~ Neil Marshall
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