Sunday, October 21, 2012

I'm Ba-ack!

Well, physically, at least. Had lots of fun on the east coast of the U.S.

Began my trip in New York with 2/3 of my Wigz. What are Wigz, you ask? The name my writing group calls ourselves because of one author, Camelia Miron Skiba, who told us once we were driving her crazy and she was going to pull her hair out because of our intense edits of one of her books. So I sent her a pink wig and the name was born. We were joined by Sherry Gammon, but missed the final spoke of our wheel, Jeffery Moore, who couldn't get away from work.

Randy and his wife, Nikki
From NY, I headed to New Hampshire where my son, Randy, is stationed at Pease Air National Guard Base in Portsmouth (he's full-time Air Force and has been in Germany for almost 4 years, so we figured on American soil we at least had the chance to see him). Spent a few days with him and his wife, then we all headed to Boston.

At Peggy's Cove in Halifax
Left from Boston on a cruise up to Portland, Maine, then rainy, foggy Bar Harbor, Maine, and then to visit our northern neighbors in Canada at both St. John's, New Brunswick and the amazingly beautiful Halifax, Nova Scotia (I kinda want to live here!). Ate waaaay too much all week, saw some cool sights and beautiful leaves, spent time with family and friends, had my room cleaned and meals cooked for me all week (boy am I going to miss that!).

Now I'm back to reality and time to get my butt in gear and write the sequel to Immortal Mine, tentatively called Immortal Yours. Now, someone put a napkin on my lap and feed me!


  1. Is Nova Scotia the new destination of our next trip? Just sayin'... are the rest of the Wigz in???

  2. I'll bet you had a great time. We need to get together.

  3. I'm glad you had fun! Next time you're out here or I go out there (hopefully in the summer), we'll have to meet up. Maybe do a book signing together??? That would be fun. :)

    1. I knew how close I was to you and wish I'd had time to come see you! If you come next summer for sure let me know and we can do a signing together somewhere. Or if I'm back there I'll let you know. :o)

  4. I want to hear about your trip, but I won't bug you because I really, really want you to get the Immortal Mine sequel written! Missed you, Cindy J.
