Happy Valentines Day!
It's day 11 of Rapunzel Untangled Blog Tour but it is also Valentines Day. Rapunzel Untangled makes a great Valentines present for your loved one!
Today we have some amazing blogs for you to stop by and read some reviews, guest posts, top tens list and maybe enter a giveaway or two. They are Fictitious Musings, I Love to Read and Review Books, Book Haven Extroardinaire, and Bookworm Lisa. Make sure you stop by their blogs to enter the giveaway for your chance to win a Nook, MP3 player, a copy of Rapunzel Untangled and many more prizes.
The first stop today is a review from Fictitious Musings. Here is a little bit of Jennifer's review:

For the full review of Rapunzel Untangled and to enter the giveaway from
Fictitious Musings click here.
The next stop on today's tour is I Love to Read and Review Books. Shauna reviewed the book and had me write a Top Tens Fairytales List. Here's some of her review:

And my number 10 on the top tens list:
10. The Frog Prince: I have to begin by saying I didn’t care much for the Disney treatment of this story, but I’ve always liked the idea of the story. A guy turned into a frog who can only be rescued by convincing a Princess to love him enough to kiss him? Great storyline. How many of us have felt like the ugly frog in our own lives, suddenly transformed into a raving beauty by the love of the person who sees beneath that temporal exterior.
To read the other 9, visit I Love to Read and Review Books!
For the full ten's list, read the review or enter the giveaway from I Love to Read and Review Books click here.
The next stop of my Rapunzel Untangled blog tour is at Book Haven Extroardinaire. Hannah reviewed the book, and let me take up space with a guest post. Here's some of her review:

Here is a little of the guest post I wrote titled "The Frog Kissed the Princess? (Scandalous!) Or, Why Do We Retell Fairytales:
I laughed when Hannah sent me this subject for a guest post. You know,
in reality, if a girl kissed a frog she would—at minimum—be frowned upon. And
she’d get warts on her lips, right?
As much as I love both the Grimm versions and the Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo
versions, I also love the retellings. Fairytales are timeless, classical tales.
It seems that every movie, every book, every story can be in some way compared
to or traced back to one of the classical fairytales.
For the full review, guest post, and to enter the giveaway from Book Haven Extroardinaire click here.

For the full review from Bookworm Lisa and to enter the giveaway click here.
Available now, you can order your copy of Rapunzel Untangled here:
Coming up tomorrow:
The Cheap Reader
Confessions of a Book Addict
Along the Road
Books 4 Tomorrow
Bookcase to Heaven
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