Monday, November 28, 2011

Give Books Christmas Giveaway Hop

Who doesn't love to receive books for Christmas?

I'm participating in  the Give Books Christmas Giveaway Hop hosted by InkSplasher.

I'm giving away one copy of each of my books: Geek Girl, Heart on a Chain, and Immortal Mine. Just hop on over to each of the book pages to sign up for your entry (don't sign up on this page, you must fill out the forms on each page).

If you live in the US, you have your choice of receiving either a paperback or an ebook from Smashwords or Amazon. If you live outside the US, you will receive an ebook from Smashwords (works on all readers, including your computer).

Enter from now until December 15th.
Here are the links to my giveaways:

Geek Girl

Heart on a Chain

Immortal Mine

Here are the links to other giveaways in the hop:

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday is Here! However,These Blogs are Anything but Black for Geek Girl!

Today is the final day for what has been an amazing book blog tour for Geek Girl. These are the last 3 blogs on the official tour. The may be last, but they are definitely not least! To see all of the blogs who have participated in the tour, I've put a list with their cute blog buttons to the left side of my blog. Go check these bloggers sites who have been kind enough to share their time and blog space with me on this blog tour.

Ali's Bookshelf: Ali says: "Geek girl is an outstanding piece of fiction... While reading this incredible story, I couldn't get enough of the story and the characters so much so that I was so sad when the story ended. I wanted more!" "I (absolutely) adore the plot of this great book." "I love so much about this great book and I could go on and on about the stuff I loved about it..."

Bibliojunkies: (Review and Interview) Natalie says: "...what do I have to say about Trevor Hoffman? All I can say is move over Peeta Mellark! If you know how much I LOVE Peeta, you will be thoroughly shocked to read this." "Another refreshing message in this story is that being loved by a boy doesn’t solve all of life’s problems...Jen has to learn to love herself and not depend on someone else’s feelings about her to determine her self-worth." "It is a great story that I will be recommending it to my YA loving friends – both young and old."

Book & Movie Dimension: Cassandra says: "This is such a bubbly romantic read... there isn't a moment that wont capture your entire attention." "The romance between a geek and goth type isn't the only thing that will stand out... It will slowly build this warm thump, thump, in your heart." "Jen is such a hilarious girl." "The best part though is that (Trevor's) just really, in fact handsome but chooses his geeky nature. Throughout the story, it becomes really easy to fall in love with Trevor." 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

I'm Thankful for All the Blogs who have Participated on My Blog Tour.

Today, These Three Get My Love! (And they all have adorable buttons, too.)

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Ttoria: (Review and excerpt) Viktoria says: "My first reaction to this novel as a whole is ‘Awww’. Hardly an astute reaction, but it is fitting." "It was well-written and one which stirred all my emotions at some point or another." "...evolved into the sweetest, most heart-breaking and romantic tale of forgiveness, acceptance and love."

Mommy Wants to Read: Melissa will be giving you her take on Geek Girl on her blog today! You know you want to read it.

Bee's Knees Reviews: See what Samantha has to say about Geek Girl today.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

While You're Waiting for the Turkey to Thaw . . . Go Visit the Blogs on Tour Today!

This Great Perhapsless: (Review and Guest Post) Lydia says: "Geek Girl reminded me so much of high school and was really great aside from the predictable bet plot . . . I was so sucked up in the story I didn't care." "Trevor was completely adorkable that of course it was inevitable that Jen fell for him. I highly reccommend this book to everyone if you like a really good feel good book to snuggle up with."

The Magic Attic: Bree reviews Geek Girl, and allows Cindy to write about her first crush - and has a giveaway to boot.

Living, Laughing, Loving, Reading: Stop by to read Mariah's review of Geek Girl!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Let's See What Terrific Blogs are on Tour Today...

Mudrock and Pink Nail Polish: Mandi says: "Beautifully written, Geek Girl is one of those stories you will fall in love with fast." "The author did a wonderful job engaging readers in Jen's story and psyche immediately. Each character is important and adds dimension to the plot." "I recommend Geek Girl for anyone looking for a clean, really fun, and very well-written story. I loved it!" 

All About Me: (Review and Interview) Pamela says:"The most special thing about this book was how it came alive for me. Jen and Trevor were solid characters that felt very true, and because of that, they leaped off the pages." "Geek Girl is a must read for anyone who loves romance, YA, family-orientated fiction or a damn good read. I’m recommending this to anyone who will listen."

Practical Frugality: "What a fantastic YA book. I also think that women of any age, and social status during their high-school years will enjoy this and be able to relate to the story."

Ink Scratchers: Jade says: "Stop smiling Jade. Stop smiling!. . .  Stop enjoying this book!" "I had awww moments and yay moments and I barely made it through this book without looking at the last page to see how it turned out (I would have if it wasn't my kindle that i was reading it on)." "...when we get to the second half, we hear Jen's story, ...the book takes this whole new direction with sweet moments but also a lot of heartbreak."

Monday, November 21, 2011

It's Monday, but That's Not All Bad! At Least, Not for the Geek Girl Blog Tour

Ficticious Musings: (Review and Guest Post and Giveaway) Jennifer says: "Jen and Trevor are definitely in the running for favorite characters of the year in my book." "The emotional quality of Geek Girl is enough to keep you flipping the pages but there is so much more to the story than a bet made between friends." "The only bad thing about Geek Girl is that it ended." Read Cindy's guest post, "Why Geeks Rule the World" and scroll to the bottom for a chance to win your own copy!

Alexa Loves Books: "Trev, in my imagination, was definitely a hot geek -- and since that is just my type, I found that I was constantly swooning over his words, his actions and even his character." "Jen, on the other hand, is definitely a little more complex..." "I was touched and emotionally affected during several moments in the story and it was enough to convince me that I should find a geek of my own to love."

Six Mixed Reviews: Misty says: "Filled with intelligent humor, playful banter, and heart-breaking revelations, Geek Girl is a move-to-the-top-of-your-to-read-list read." "Bennett's writing style is witty and relatable." "Jen and Trevor are delightful together, and the entire cast of characters is well developed in just a few masterful strokes." "Now, I'm off to hunt down Bennett's other book (Heart On A Chain). If you need me, I'll be in my reading chair."

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Where is Geek Girl Stopping Today? On Some Great Blogs, That's Where!

Like Minded Souls: Trish says: "You know when a book holds an average 4.5 star rating after a hundred plus reviews that it is bound to be good..." "While not perfect, it is a wonderful story full of humor, young love and forgiveness." "The characters were genuine and the situations realistic." "I am looking forward to reading more by this author in the future."

Young Readers: Kad says: "Geek girl is a little predictable but the protagonist's sarcasm makes up for the not-so-new-story." "I really hope there's a guy like Trevor around in the real world.I really won't mind if he's a geek too!" " ...the positive's .....The special focus on family, the fact that this book is not part of a series(YAY!) and the cute moments between Trevor and Jennifer!"

Letters Inside Out: Amanda says: "Oh, Trevor! He’s so adorable and is just a really good guy." "She (Jen) has such a great voice throughout the book, that I kept wanting to know more of her past." "Bennett has a talent to write about tough issues, but make them into a very sweet love story. If you are in the mood for a contemporary romance, I urge you to check her out!"

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Saturday is a Special Day . . . With a Bunch of Bonuses!

Krazy Book Lady: (Review/Giveaway and Interview) Tami says: "Geek Girl is the kind of YA novel that makes the genre so popular." "The plot combined with Cindy C. Bennett's expressive writing style is what makes this one so great." "This novel tugged at my heartstrings and brought tears to my eyes more than once."

Bonus! Krazy Book Lady's 15-year-old daughter added her review to her mom's! She says: "My favorite things about this book are how realistic it was and the word usage. The author really painted a picture of what was happening with her details. I really enjoyed reading this, and I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a fun but emotional read."

Starcrossed: Jess says: "I really liked this book, you quickly get under the main charachter's skin and start to understand why she makes the decision's she makes. "My life wasn't the easiest so I started to gather toughness around me like a shield, alot like Jen did." "I know how much it can hurt to have someone date you as a joke, or a bet. This book gave me an insider's look at how the other person might have been hurting."

Bonus! Darcus also wrote a review: Darcus says: "I absolutely loved this book." "I applaud Cindy C. Bennett for writing a very realistic book. I found the characters very believeable and Jess and I commented that it felt like we were in high school again." "This book was a great read and I recommend it to anyone that... enjoys contemporary YA."

Incessant Droning of a Bored Writer: (Review and Guest Post) John says: "I don’t like Romances. I just don’t. So why did I agree to review this book? I have no idea. I can tell you, I’m so glad I did." "I was immediately captured by Jen’s character and her off-beat personality." "To me, Jen makes this book great." "I was always happy to crawl into bed and let myself be guided into her dark world of bitterness, regret and fear to love despite her hankering to." "I really did love this book, which certainly surprised me... But this, this was different…" "Geek Girl is a must read!"

Friday, November 18, 2011

Hello, Friday! And Hello To Todays Geek Girl Tour Blogs!

Jagged Edge: (Review and Interview) Kati says: "Geek Girl is an amazingly crafted story." "This is funny and cute from the beginning to the end. I love the sarcasm and the wit. Must read for all." "The force is strong with this one I can feel it. (Sorry this book has brought out my not so inner nerd!) 5+ stars."


While you're out and about browsing the internet, stop by all the previous tours who have been kind enough to host Geek Girl during the tour!

Night Owl Reviews
Jolene's Been Writing

Five Alarm Book Reviews
Reading, Eating & Dreaming I was Blair Waldorf
Coffee, Books, and Me
Inklings Read
The Character Connection
Courtney's Book Nook
Wordpaintings Unlimited
Vampire Wire
The Crazy Dream Blog
Forbidden Passions Reviews
As the Spine Breaks
The Plot Thickens
Thoughts at One in the Morning
Bookworm Lisa
Books to the Sky
Totally Obsessed!
Passion for Novels
Twisting the Lens
A Casual Readers Blog
Getting Your Read On

Nocturnal Book Reviews
Jeanz Book Read N Review
LDS Women's Book Review
Books Complete Me
Pages of Gold
Book Spark
Nuttier Reads
Zone Out Mode
Taffy's Writings

Wraths Queens Books
Mrs. Papillion "The Book Worm"
Lani WoodlandImaginary Reads
A Book Lover's Review
Princess Reviews
Reader of Fictions

Reading for Sanity
ComaCalm's Corner

Nightly Reading

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Love Unexpected Reviews!

There's nothing better than having Google Alert come up on your email and discovering an unexpected review from someone who won a copy of Heart on a Chain! Here are links to Evangeline's review on the two blogs she posted it on.


  Adopt an Indie

Here's a little of what she said:

"It is all I can do to not gush about Heart on a Chain."
"When I started reading Heart on a Chain, I couldn’t put it down until I finished it. It was such a sweet, touching story and yet, the harsh themes in it provided a balance that reminds a reader of real life."
"When I completed the novel, I immediately re-read it. I hardly ever re-read novels immediately after completion because I usually don’t have the time for it, but Heart on a Chain was so worth it. I enjoyed every single page of the novel. "

Terrific Thursday - for Geek Girl Anyway, Thanks to These Blogs

Reading for Sanity: Kari says: "I don't think I've ever given a book that was given to me free for review 5 stars. I'm breaking that record today." "Jen is painted so very realistically. I felt like reading her story was like reading many of my students' stories, their journal entries in class. Teaching at a school of poverty, with many foster care kids, I see this stuff all too often. Her anger, her rejection of all things good, her pessimism, her hatred of people she cannot relate to, her lack of self-esteem, all spot on. Even her desire to defile Trevor was authentic."  Stop by for a Review and a Giveaway!

Nightly Reading: Heather says: "Jen’s story was tragic and actually got me a little misty eyed. It’s no wonder she dresses and acts the way that she does." "This was a great story with the basic premise of sometimes you may become and enjoy the very thing that you thought you had despised in the first place." "Trevor is your typical geek ... He is awesome!!" Check out the Review, Interview, and the Giveaway, as well as to see Heather's top five memories of middle/high school as a geek!

ComaCalm: Vickie says: "Jan's (sic) character was pretty interesting but I did find it difficult to connect with her." "I was hoping for something that would keep me thinking and dreaming about it long after I'd read it, and it certainly has the potential to do just that but it never really goes anywhere and just seems really long." Make sure to visit ComaCalm, who didn't receive the book until last minute and still agreed to read it and get the review up today!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Take a Tour with Wednesday's Geek Girl Bloggers

Princess Reviews: Tasha says: "This book was so good, I started it and literally did not put it down until I finished it!" "The book itself is written in the present ... Most books tend to use past-tense of most things, not really giving you the same "in the story" feel ... that you get in this book." "This is a book I would definately recommend to my friends."

A Reader of Fictions: (Review and Giveaway) Christina says: "Bennett has done a really good job of making a pretty trite formula into a really great read." "Watching [Jen] grow and overcome her past throughout the novel is exceedingly touching." "If you... want... some geeky references and a troubled girl learning how to have a real, happy future, look no further." Visit  to enter a giveaway for your own copy!

A Book Lovers Review: Trini says: "An absolute must read! It's so heartbreaking, so beautiful, and so much fun. I loved it!" "Her story is so tragic and damaging I can understand why she is the way she is." "This is such an inspiring story about love, trust, and overcoming your fears."

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Love for Geek Girl on Todays Blog Tour Stops

Imaginary Reads: (Review, Interview with Trevor, Interview with Cindy) Kris says: "I enjoyed watching Jen unsettle Trevor and unintentionally getting unsettled herself."  "While it starts with a bet, Geek Girl is a sweet story about opening your heart to love and all the hardships that come with it. It is different from the usual contemporary read and filled with laughs, tears, and smiles."

Lani Woodland: Lani says: "This was a really fun read. I, being a Geek myself, enjoyed all the Geeky movie references. :) I really, really liked Jen and Trev." "The book delved deeper than just the romance between the two of them. It explored Jen's feelings with her biological parents and her foster parents. This book made me laugh and cry."

Mrs. Papillion "The Book Worm": Mrs. Papillion says: "I really loved the story to this book. Jen is definitely one character who had me crying in certain parts of the book, especially when she explained what happened to her and why she went into foster care. " "I definitely recommend this book." "I loved this book and that is why I gave it 5 stars."

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday's Musings by the Blog's Hosting Geek Girl

Wrathsqueen's Books: (Review and Interview) Erin says: "A definite read for fans of contemporary YA, it's up there with Stephanie Perkins and Simone Elkeles and was a 5/5 stars read for me." "And Trev ... I think I love that geek- smart,sweet and funny." "I'm a sucker for opposites attract romances and boy is this one!"

Taffy's Writings/The Book Addict: (Review/Interview/Guest Post) Taffy says: "Girl gets boy, girl loses boy, girl gets boy again. This is the basic plot behind GEEK GIRL but it's sooo much more!" "Loved the sci-fi references. Loved the cute romance. Loved the relationships. Loved the book." "I highly recommend this clean, high school romance to any teen!"

Book Spark: Ana says: "This was definitely one of the better romance/chick-lit books out there." "I must warn you there is a load of sap, but it's good sap. I loved it. There were so many instances I wanted to bawl my eyes out..." "It's coming-of-age, it's finding identity, and more."

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday is the Sabbath, but That Doesn't Mean Geek Girl is Taking a Break!

Stop by these amazing blogs today to see what they have to say about Geek Girl - especially since they were kind enough to host us on the traditional day of rest.

Pages of Gold: (Review and Guest Post) Heidi says: "I read this book with one of those cheesy smiles that you get when you’ve seen something that just makes you say “awww” out loud no matter who might be happening to listen. Sometimes I had that smile on my face while reading through tears. Needless to say, I enjoyed this book. A lot. I would definitely recommend Geek Girl to a friend for an easy, enjoyable and quick read."

Nuttier Reads: Tillie says: "I simply adored this book." "The book was amazingly written and I highly recommend it. It's perfect for all ages and a book that will definitely tug at your heartstrings." "I think that the story was fantastically written." Stop by to enter a giveaway for your own copy!

The Literate Mother: "This is one of the best contemporary YA books I’ve read in awhile. I found the developing relationships with Jen, her family and Trevor to be endearing." "This book left me feeling like love can make a difference. Helping and understanding people takes effort, but it is worth it."

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Saturday Stops for the Geek Girl Tour!

Books Complete Me: Mindy says: "Cindy Bennett is BRILLIANT in capturing the emotion and the life of being a teenager in high school." "I could not put the book down and did not want to! I laughed, cried, held my breathe and wished and hoped." "I love the message this books sends out to everyone!" "I could not loan this book out fast enough after I read it."

JeanzBookReadNReview: (Interview and Review): Jeanz says: "I initially thought I wasn't going to like the book, but decided to continue reading and as I got further into reading the book I really did find myself enjoying it and wondering what would happen." "You really need to buy the book when it comes out, I recommend it!" "I loved the adult characters in the book too." Jeanz is also having a giveaway, so make sure to stop by!

LDS Women's Book Review: Mindy says: "Jen is a great character. She’s very snarky and snide at times ..." "I enjoyed the way the author showed their growing relationship, and the subtle changes that Jen takes in her appearance and attitude towards her foster family ..." "My favorite was Trevor, he may have been a geek in her eyes, but I thought he was just a great kid." "I loved the many science fiction references."

Friday, November 11, 2011

Book Ratings, Anyone?

The other day I was discussing with someone that it would be nice if books had a ratings system similar to that of TV or movies. That way, you don't crack open a book, get involved in the story, then get blindsided by something you weren't expecting. Last night I happened across this blog: The Literate Mother which happens to do that very thing. From what I gather, a group of mom's got together and created this blog, rating youth and young adult literature. Go over and check it out!

It's 11-11-11, and Geek Girl is hitting ... 4 blogs today!

You thought I was going to say 11 blogs, huh?

A Casual Readers Blog: Lisa says: "It was a very fast and fun read. I didn't want to put it down. It's smart, witty, charming, and very enjoyable. I highly recommend this book. If you are looking for a sweet romance that fills you with joy, this is definitely the book for you." "... maybe I'm a little biased because I married my own geek, but Trevor was definitely a dreamboat."

Nocturnal Book Reviews: (Review and Guest Blog on Top 10 Geek Movies) Karina says: "... a classic story of transformation ..." "The couple is sweet, self-deprecating and clever. Once they admit what they want, they work for it. They don't give up, and that's what I found so sweet. The reality and the truthfulness of it all."

Getting Your Read OnAimee says: "I think this was one of my more favorite contemporary YA reads in awhile." "I found the developing relationships with Jen, her family and Trevor to be endearing." "I know this book touched on so many heavy, sad topics. But, for all that, it was still hopeful and happy and fun too." Stop by for a giveaway.

Creative Writing Addict: Stop by and see Cindy's 5 question interview, beginning with "Why do you write?" and ending with "Batman or Indiana Jones?" 


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday's Stops for Geek Girl

Totally Obsessed: (Review and Guest Post) NaKesha says: "I loved this book!" "Halfway through, honestly, I almost forgot about the bet. The story grows so much bigger than turning geeky Trevor into a bad boy." "Cindy has a way of writing in some great guy lead character, I tell you (see Henry in Heart on a Chain)."  Stop by to read Cindy's post "Getting Published: Not for the Faint of Heart".

Passion for Novels: Gemma says: "As a protagonist Jen is likable ... I love Trevor in this book ..." "Jen is quite inspiring as a character because she moves from her style to geek and then finds something in the middle. Something which suits her rather than the people around her."

Twisting the Lens: Jaime says: "Jen is relatable in what she feels and the decisions she makes, even though they may not always be the right ones. By the end, it is a decision of who one is ‘expected’ to be and who one can become." "The characters are likable enough that people would tune in ... to find out more about Jen and Trevor.