After MANY hours formatting Geek Girl, I finally submitted it for publishing. The proof should be to me within the next couple days, and if all is well, ready for sale in the next couple weeks. It is now available as an eBook (which was another formatting nightmare - requires completely different formatting that the book).
You can preview a full 40% of it at Smashwords
You can purchase it there or at Amazon
If you don't have a reader (such as a Kindle, iPad or Sony) don't stress. You can download a free reader at either site, or you can download as a PDF from Smashwords and read it on your computer.
All I ask is that you review it once you've read it (preferably on both sites) because that moves it up the queue line when people are searching for book.
Also, as soon as it is available in print, I would love to send you some bookmarks to hand out to anyone you think might be interested in the book.
Thanks for reading!!