Hudson discovers that Logos is a land ruled by words, thoughts, and memories. A fairy might ferry you across the river for the price of one memory. But be sure to look out for snarky unicorns, as they will see through those who are not pure of heart.
Not understanding the many rules of Logos, Hudson is quickly saddled with a troll curse. Charlotte, who, along with her father, was banished from Logos, can help get rid of the curse--but only if he agrees to find the lost Princess of Logos in return.

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The main
characters include two thirteen-year-olds, a pair of snarky Brittish unicorns, and a couple
six-foot-tall roaches, so it would be hard to name a complete cast. (I will
resist the urge to cast politicians in the role of the roaches, although I really want
Charlotte is a
cute redhead, so perhaps Harley Bird would work but as far as Hudson . . .
well, I wish Jonathan Taylor Thomas was thirteen and not thirty-five,
because he had that sort of mischevious
charm that I imagine Hudson to have.
The tyrant
king is an easy call. I'd cast Tim Curry, probably because I thought he made
such a convincing, animated, and yet likable Long John Silver in Muppet
Treasure Island. (Yes, I do own the movie and can hum along with the
As far as
Charlotte's father, Aziz Fantasmo, I always imagined him to be a lot like
Christopher Lloyd from Back to the Future. He's just a little bit crazy and a
flamboyant dresser.
MAGIC SNEAKS up on a person like a sudden rainstorm, or bad news, or a mugger
wearing really quiet shoes. That’s what happened to Hudson Brown. He was an
average eighth grader, with average brown hair that usually needed to be cut
and average brown eyes that didn’t always pay attention to his teachers. He
lived in an average bedroom that needed to be cleaned and had average friends—
many of whom also needed to be cleaned.
short, Hudson was the type who hadn’t believed in magic for years. Truth be
told, magic hadn’t believed in Hudson for even longer, but boys are often
getting tangled in trouble, and Hudson was no exception. Except his trouble
involved trolls, wizards, and several other things that wanted to kill him.
started with a cat. Many problems do, which is why dogs, mice, and grumpy old
men don’t like them.
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Both a lot of fun as a whimsical distraction and reminder about the power of words, The Wrong Side of Magic is a great choice for middle graders and lifelong fans of wordplay and fantasy.
Ketterman Rowland & Westlund