Tara Mayoros teaches guitar, paints, occasionally bakes, and loves working with plants. She's an avid collector of globes and maps, as they help with her incurable case of wanderlust. The Rocky Mountains are her home and they call to her whenever she is in need of inspiration. She explores them regularly with her husband and three children.
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~ Amazon Canada ~
I placed my flip flop on the pedal and
pushed behind Anthony as we made our way along the sidewalk. We wove along the
neighborhood streets, looking at the dry creek beds and gravel landscaping.
Christmas lights were wrapped around the trunks of palm trees and weaved in and
out of cactus prickles. It took a very brave soul to decorate the saguaro or
prickly pear plants, and yet so many did.
Another example that I wasn't made of
tough enough stuff to bloom in the desert.
Even the Acacia, Ironwood, and Mesquite
trees had thorns. And the lovely fuchsia Bougainvillea? I looked down at some
scratches on my fleshy arms. Well, the Bougainvillea had won the battle the
other day when I'd tried to give it a winter haircut.
Every single plant in the desert wanted
to kill me.
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