Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Rachel McClellan: Escape to Eden

Run now!

When seventeen-year-old Sage wakes up in a hospital with no memories, her only clue is the words written on her hand. With a deadly disease threatening to wipe out mankind, Sage must find out who she is and why most people would kill to get their hands on her--before it's too late. This fast-paced, futuristic thriller is a spine-tingling read!


Rachel McClellan was born and raised in Idaho, a place secretly known for its supernatural creatures. When she's not in her writing lair, she's partying with her husband and four crazy, yet lovable, children. Rachel's love for storytelling began as a child when the moon first possessed the night. For when the lights went out, her imagination painted a whole new world. And what a scary world it was... 


Make sure to read my interview of Rachel, and read an excerpt from the book below.
Review: Just wow. Rachel is such a gifted writer and I've never yet been disappointed by any of her books. This one in not only no exception, it actually really excels. I love the world she's created, with the all-too-human desire to be perfect which has gone awry. Sage is a great heroine, and Colt is a perfectly flawed hero. You seriously need to read this book. I can't wait for the next installment to find out what happens next to these "originals" (you'll have to read it to really understand that). Highly recommended.

What was your inspiration for this particular book? I wanted to write a book about humanity and how important the relationships are with people in our lives. I also wanted this theme to be expressed in a future world where man has been made to be “perfect” when nothing could be further from the truth.
I love that since the idea of creating a "perfect human" seems crazy. We're perfect in our imperfections. What is your favorite part of this book? I personally love the scene where Sage is with Colt and has to do something to him to save his life. It’s pretty cruel, but it’s the only way she can protect him.
Yeah, I agree with that. Is there anything in the finished manuscript you would change? Yikes! Tough question. Nothing I’ve noticed yet, but I’ve found with every one of my novels that after it’s been out for awhile, and I re-read it, there is always something I which I would’ve changed. I’m sure this novel will be no different. 
I know what you mean. I don't think I have a single book I've written I wouldn't like to change at least one thing in. As you know, you're one of my favorite authors. Of all the books you've written, which one would you call your favorite? If you can't name a favorite, which one did you enjoy writing the most? First, thanks for the compliment! Second, what’s with all the tough questions? :) I think The Devil’s Angel is my most favorite of all, but I had the most fun writing this book [Escape to Eden] because it’s so fast paced. It played out like a movie in my mind. 
Though I love all of your books - seriously - I would probably list Fractured Light as my favorite. Still, that doesn't detract from my love of all of them. I just flat out think you're a fantastic writer. Outside of writing, what's your favorite activity or hobby? I love playing volleyball, racquetball or really any sport. 
I'm so completely uncoordinated that I avoid sports myself, so good on you that you enjoy them. So, what is Rachel McClellan's biggest pet peeve? I’m a pretty laid back person so not much bugs me, but I really hate commercials. Like really hate them. The TV is always muted during them. This is a recent pet peeve, probably because my kids are loud enough so I don’t need the added noise.
Did you know commercials are purposely played at a higher volume than whatever show you're watching? Crazy. I don't mute them, but I've learned to tune them out. Anything else you wish to let your readers know or tell them about? This book is the beginning of a trilogy. I’m wrapping up the second book now, and I can’t tell you how excited I am about this series! It’s a page-turner for sure! 
Yes, I agree! It was hard to stop reading when I had to. I can't wait to see what comes next. Below is an excerpt from the book. You'll have to read the book yourself to find out what happens to Anthony! And don't forget to enter the giveaway at the bottom.

"Stop!" a man shouts. He runs towards us. Two more appear behind him.
Jenna reaches a hand down. "Grab it!"
Colt takes hold and she easily lifts him out. They are all so strong.
"Go up, Sage,” Anthony says. “I've got these guys.”
He's holding the same dagger I'd had in my hand earlier.
"I'm not leaving you alone," I say.
"Three guys is nothing. I'll be fine. Go."
I look up toward where my brother sits waiting for me and then back at Anthony.
"Stop right there and we'll let you live," a guard says. He has a single spike sticking out of his otherwise bald head.
"Don't listen to him Sage," Anthony says. "You're too valuable. Just go before they capture Max again."
This makes me move. I scramble up the ladder. When I'm at the top, I shout down, "Come on! You can make it."
He stares up at me through the narrow opening and smiles. "Change the world," he says just as an invisible blast knocks him to the ground. 

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