Davies, is focused, independent, and driven. Her hard work is finally paying
off and she is on the brink of great success. But what no one knows is that her
frantic drive is born not from a desire to succeed, but from a need to forget –
forget her past, forget her guilt, and mostly, forget the tragedy that changed
her life forever.
strategy seems to be working but on Christmas Eve she meets Cohen, a strange
man with an even stranger purpose. Cohen catapults Ella back through time and forces
her to confront not only her own pain, but the pain of those long since passed.
In the process, Ella learns about courage and compassion and that in the
darkest hour, no one is ever alone.
Sometimes finding peace means finding a difference
Janet Halling discovered her love of writing at the age of
six when her story of a lonely duck won a first grade writing contest. She has
a BA in Marketing Communications and lives with her family in northern Utah
where she is currently working on her next novel.
The Work of Writing
The most common question I get is about the writing process
and how it works. So here’s what I know, based on my experience and
conversations with other writers.
I think a common misconception about writers is that we only
write when inspiration strikes. Then we become like Jo
March in Little Women, hunched like gargoyles
in drafty attics amid mountains of crumpled papers while our ink-stained
fingers scribble furiously, desperately attempting to keep up with the ideas
that flow from our heads like a spigot.
Well...yes. Sometimes it can be that way. And when it is,
it’s awesome. But most of the time, it’s a slog. Those moments of inspiration
are what every writer dreams about, but for every ten minutes of thrilling creativity,
there are usually hours and hours of plain, hard work.
THAT part of writing is meticulous research, ruthless
editing, and lots and lots of time spent thinking.
Does the story make sense? Would this character really behave this way? Is this
the right word or can I think of a better one? Story arc...Plot
holes...Grammar...Punctuation!! And we
probably spend more time than we like to admit thinking, “Oh crap! How do I get
my characters out of this situation?”
THAT part of writing is not glamorous, but it is the part
that takes you from a fleeting idea to a finished manuscript. And THAT part of
writing is what allows you to hold your published book for the first time and
feel...enormous satisfaction.
So keep on, all you fellow writers! Enjoy the Jo March
moments. But don’t forget to put in the rest of the time as well.
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